DIVISION OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY U. S$. NATIONAL MUSEUM THE HRDLICKA LIBRARY Dr. Ales Hrdlicka was placed in charge of the Division of Physical Anthropology when it was first established in 1903. He retired in 1942. During this time he assembled one of the largest collections of human skeletons in existence and made outstanding contributions to his science. On his death, September 5, 1943, he bequeathed his library to the Division, with is the-provision that."’______j+-be-kept-—exclusively inthe said Division, where-it-may be consulted but not loaned-out._____ Si Ane i iia AY ees” lor = A SYSTEM OF SYNTHETIC PHILOSOPHY. VOR. IE Spencers synthetic Philosophy. GO SOIRSTAPRINCIPLES (ooo. 23 2S) sce gues a ee OOU) I, Tat UNKNOWABLE. Ii. LAws oF THE KNOWABLE. (2.) THE PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY. Vol I. . 3 é - $2.00 I, THE Data or BroLoey. Il. Tae Inpuctions or BioLoey. II. Tut Evonvution or Lire. (3.) THE PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY. Vol. II. 0 ° . $2.00 IV. MorpxoLtogicAL DEVELOPMENT. Y. PuystoLtogicAL DEVELOPMENT, VI. Laws or MULTIPLICATION. (4.) THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY. Vol.I.. 4 - $2.00 I, THe Data or PsycuoLoey. Ii. Tur Inpuctions or PsycHoLoGy. IlJ. GENERAL SYNTHESIS, IV. SpecrAL SYNTHESIS. VY. PuysicaL SYNTHESIS. (5.) THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY. Vol.II. . - $2.00 VI. Sprcran ANALYSIS. VII. Gmenrrat ANALYSIS. VIII. CoroLLaARrties. (6.) PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY. Vol.I.. I. Tur DATA OF SocreLoey. Il. Tue InpUCcTIONS or SocroLoGy. Til. Tae Domesric RELATIONS. (T.) PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY. Vol. II. d : I. CEREMONIAL INSTITUTIONS . 6 5 E : . $1.25 * * * x (8.) PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY. Vol. III. (9.) PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY. Vol.I.. C : : : I. Toe Data or Eruics. . ; 0 : : 5 - $1.25 * * * * (10.) PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY. Vol. II. * * # * D. APPLETON & CO., Pustisners, New York. THE PRINCIPLES OF BrOoLOGY. BY HERBERT SPENCER, AUTHOR OF ‘‘SOCTAL STATICS,” ‘‘ ‘THE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY, ‘ESSAYS : SCIENTIFIC, POLITICAL, AND SPECULATIVE,” ‘* FIRST PRINCIPLES,” ETC. VOL, If. NEW YORK: eae bel ek OUN) ACN Do C:O) M PA NG. 1,8, anv 5 BOND STREET. ilies) toy ale . Entered, according tc Act of Congress, in the year 1867, By D. APPLETON & CO., ¥n the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York, PREFACE TO VOL. IL Tue proof sheets of this volume, like those of the last volume, have been looked through by Dr. Hooker and Prof. Huxley; and I have, as before, to thank them for their valuable criticisms, and for the trouble they have taken in checking the numerous statements of fact on which the argu- ments proceed. The consciousness that their many duties render time extremely precious to them, makes me feel how heavy 1s my obligation. Part IV., with which this volume commences, contains numerous figures. Nearly one half of them are repetitions, mostly altered in scale and simplified in execution, of figures, or parts of figures, contained in the works of various Botanists and Zoologists. Among the authors whom I have laid under contribution, I may name Berkeley, Carpenter, Cuvier, Green, Harvey, Hooker, Huxley, Milne-Edwards, Ralfs, Smith. The remaining figures, numbering 150, are from original sketches and diagrams. The successive instalments which compose this volume, were issued to the Subscribers at the following dates :—No. 13 (pp. 1—80) in January, 1865; No. 14 (pp. 81—160) in dune, 1865; No. 15 (pp. 161—240) in December, 1865; No. 25 (pp. 241—3820) in June, 1866; No. 17 (pp. 321—400) in November, 1866; amd No. 18 (pp. 401—566) in March, 1867, London, March 23rd, 1867. CONTENTS OF VOL. IL PART IV.—MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. CHAP. I.—THE PROBLEMS CF MORPHOLOGY coe IJ.—THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS TlI.—THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS, TINUED eee eee sels IV.—THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS V.—-THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS, TINUED ae ian ae VI.—MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN PLANTS VII.—THE GENERAL SHAPES OF PLANTS can VIII.—THE SHAPES OF BRANCHES “ay se IX.—THE SHAPES OF LEAVES _—... SOE X.—THE SHAPES OF FLOWERS be iy XI.—THE SHAPES OF VEGETAL CELLS eee XII.—CHANGES OF SHAPE OTHERWISE CAUSED ... XIII.—MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION IN ANIMALS XIV.—THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS XV.—THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS .. XVI.—THE SHAPES OF ANIMAL CHELLIS... RVII.M SUMMARY OF MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PART V.—PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. - I.—THE PROBLEMS OF PHYSIOLOGY... CON- CON- II.—DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS eon 50¢ Tifl.—-DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSU PLANTS ees eee eee IV.—DtFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OF PLANTS eee eee sles Vill CONTENTS. CHAP. V.—PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN PLANTS ... eee VI.—DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE OUTER AND INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS see eee eee VII.—DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE OUTER TISSUES OF ANIMALS eee eee eee eee VIII. DIFFERENTIATIONS AMONG THE INNER TISSUES OF ANIMALS eee eee eee eee IX.—PHYSIOLOGICAL INTEGRATION IN ANIMALS... cece X.—SUMMARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT eve PART VI.—LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION I.— THE FACTORS eco ece eco eso II. —A PRIORI PRINCIPLE eee e@oe ece cece III.—OBVERSE A PRIORI PRINCIPLE ... eee eee IV.—DIFFICULTIES OF INDUCTIVE VERIFICATION eee V.—ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS VI.—ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS VII.—ANTAGONISM BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS, ASEXUAL AND SEXUAL VIII.—ANTAGONISM BETWEEN EXPENDITURE AND GENESIS ... IX.—COINCIDENCE BETWEEN HIGH NUTRITION AND GENESIS X.—SPECIALITIES OF THESE RELATIONS S00 XI.—INTERPRETATION AND QUALIFICATION S00 sjele XII.—MULTIPLICATION OF THE HUMAN RACE 506 eee XIII.—HUMAN POPULATION IN THE FUTURE eee 500 APPENDICES. A. SUBSTITUTION OF AXIAL FOR FOLIAR ORGANS IN PLANTS B.—A CRITICISM ON PROF. OWENS THEORY OF THE VER- TEBRATE SKELETON S60 306 C.—ON CIRCULATION AND THE FORMATION OF WOOD IN PLANTS eee one eco PAGS 2795 PART Ly. CHAPTER If. THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. § 175. Tue division of Morphology from Physiology, is one which may be tolerably-well preserved, so long as we do not carry our inquiries beyond the empirical generalizations of their respective phenomena; but it is one which becomes in great measure nominal, when the phenomena are to be rationally interpreted. It would be possible, after analyzing our Solar System, to set down certain general truths respect- ing the sizes and distances of its primary and secondary members, omitting all mention of their motions; and it would be possible to set down certain other general truths respect- ing their motions, without specifying their dimensions or positions, further than as greater or less, nearer or more re- mote. But on seeking to account for these general truths, arrived at by induction, we find ourselves obliged to con- sider simultaneously the relative sizes and places of the masses, and the relative amounts and directions of their motions. Similarly with organisms. Though we may frame sundry comprehensive propositions respecting the arrange- ments of their organs, considered as so many inert parts; and though we may establish several wide conclusions respecting the separate and combined actions of their organs, without knowing anything definite respecting the forms and positions of these organs; yet we cannot reach such a rationale of the 4 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. facts as the hypothesis of Evolution aims at, without contems plating structures and functions in their mutual relations. Everywhere structures in great measure determine functions ; and everywhere functions are incessantly modifying structures. In Nature, the two are inseparable co-operators ; and Science can give no true interpretation of Nature, without keeping their co-operation constantly in view. An account of organic evolution, in its more special aspects, must be essentially an account of the inter-actions of structures and functions, as perpetually altered by changes of conditions. Hence, when treating apart Morphological Development and Physiological Development, all we can do is to direct our attention mainly to the one or to the other, as the case may be. In dealing with the facts of structure, we shall consider the facts of function, only in such general way as is needful to explain the facts of structure; and conversely when deal- ing with the facts of function. § 176. The problems of Morphology fall into two distinct classes, answering respectively to the two leading aspects of Evolution. In things which evolve there go on two processes —increase of mass and increase of structure. Increase of mass is primary, and in simple evolution takes place almost alone. Increase of structure is secondary, accompanying or following increase of mass with more or less regularity, wherever evolution rises above that form which small inor- ganic bodies, such as crystals, present to us. The fundamental antagonism between Dissolution and Evolution consisting in this, that while the one is an integration of motion and dis- integration of matter, the other is an integration of matter and disintegration of motion; and this integration of matter accompanying disintegration of motion, being a necessary antecedent to the differentiation of the matter so inte- grated ; it follows that questions concerning the mode in which the parts are united into a whole, must be dealt with THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 5 before questions concerning the mode in which these parts become modified.* This is not obviously a morphological question. But an illustration or two will make it manifest, that fundamental differences may be produced between aggregates, by differences in the degrees of composition of the increments: the ultimate units of the increments being the same. Thus an accu- mulation of things of a given kind may be made by add- ing one at a time. Or the things may be tied up into bundles of ten, and the tens placed together. Or the tens may be united into hundreds, and a pile of hundreds formed. Such unlikenesses in the structures of masses, are habitually seen in our mercantile transactions. Articles which the consumer re- cognizes as single, the retailer keeps wrapped up in dozens, the wholesaler sends the gross, and the manufacturer supplies in packages of a hundred gross—that is, they severally increase their stocks by units of simple, of compound, and of doubly- compound kinds. Similarly result those differences of mor- phological composition which we have first to consider. An organism consists of units. These units may be aggregated into a mass by the addition of unit to unit. Or they may be united into groups, and the groups joined together. Or these groups of groups may be so combined as to form a doubly- compound aggregate. Hence there arise respecting each organic form, the question—is its composition of the first, second, third, or fourth order P—does it exhibit units of a singly-compounded kind only; or are these consolidated into units of a doubly-compounded kind, or a triply-compounded kind? And if it displays double or triple composition, the * It seems needful here to say, that allusion is made in this paragraph to a pro- position respecting the ultimate natures of Evolution and Dissolution, which is contained in an essay on The Classification of the Sciences, published in March, 1864. When the opportunity comes, I hope to make the definition there arrived at, the basis of a re-organization of the second part of First Principles : giving to that work a higher development, and a greater cohesiou, than it at present pos- BeSSeB, 6 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. homologies of its different parts become problems. Under the disguises induced by the consolidation of primary, second- ary, and tertiary units, it has to be ascertained which answer to which, in their degrees of composition. Such questions are more intricate than they at first appear ; since, besides the obscurities caused by progressive integration, and those due to accompanying modifications of form, further obscurities result from the variable growths of units of the different orders. Just as an army may be augmented by re- cruiting in each company, without increasing the number of companies; or may be augmented by making up the full complement of companies in each regiment, while the number of regiments remains the same; or may be aug- mented by putting more regiments into each division, other things being unchanged; or may be augmented by adding to the number of its divisions without altering the components of each division ; or may be augmented by two or three of these processes at once; s0, in organisms, Increase of mass may be due to growth im units of the first order, or in those of the second order, or in those of still higher orders; or it may be due to simultaneous growth in units of several orders. And this last mode of integration being the general mode, puts difficulties in the way of analysis. Just as the structure of an army would be made less easy to understand, if com- panies often outgrew regiments, or regiments became larger than brigades ; so these questions of morphological composi- tion, are complicated by the indeterminate sizes of the units of each kind—relatively-simple units frequently becoming far more bulky than relatively-compound units. § 177. The morphological problems of the second class, are those having for their subject-matter the changes of shape that accompany changes of aggregation. The most general questions respecting the structure of an organism, having been answered when it is ascertained of what units it 1s composed as a whole, and in its several parts; there come the more special » THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 7 questions concerning its form—form in the ordinary sense. After the contrasts caused by variations in the process of integration, we have to consider the contrasts caused by variations in the process of differentiation. To speak speci- fically—the shape of the organism as a whole, irrespect- ive of its composition, has to be accounted for. Reasons have to be found for the unlikeness between its general out- lines and the general outlines of allied organisms. And there have to be answered kindred inquiries respecting the propor- tions of its component parts :—Why, among such of these as are homologous with one another, have there arisen the differences that exist P And how have there been produced the contrasts between them and the homologous parts of or- ganisms of the same type? Very numerous are the heterogeneities of form that present themselves for interpretation under these heads. The ultimate morphological units combined in any group, may be differ- entiated individually, or collectively, or both: each of them may undergo changes of shape; or some of them may be changed and others not; or the group may be rendered mul- tiform by the greater growth of some of its units than of others. Similarly with the compound units, arising by union of these simple units. Aggregates of the second order may be made relatively complex in form, by inequalities in the rates of multiplication of their component units in diverse directions ; and among a number of such aggregates, numer- ous unlikenesses may be constituted by differences in their degrees of growth, and by differences in their modes of growth. Manifestly, at each higher stage of composition, the possible sources of divergence are multiplied still further. That facts of this order can be accounted for in detail, is not to be expected—the data are wanting. All that we may hope to do, is to ascertain their general laws. How this is to be attempted we will now consider. § 178. The task before us is to trace throughout these 8 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. phenomena the process of evolution; and to show how, as displayed in them, it conforms to those first principles which evolution in general conforms to. ‘Two sets of factors have to be taken into account. Let us look at them. The factors of the first class are those which tend directly to change an organic aggregate, in common with every other ageregate, from that more simple form which is not in equi- librium with incident forces, to that more complex form which is In equilibrium with them. We have to mark how, in corre- spondence with the universal law that the uniform lapses into the multiform, and the less multiform into the more multi- form, the parts of each organism are ever becoming further differentiated ; and we have to trace the varying relations to incident forces, by which further differentiations are entailed. We have to observe, too, how each primary modification of structure, induced by an altered distribution of forces, becomes a parent of secondary modifications—how, through the neces- sary multiplication of effects, change of form in one part brings about changes of form in other parts. And then we have also to note the metamorphoses constantly being induced by the process of segregation—by the gradual union of like parts exposed to like forces, and the gradual separation of like parts exposed to unlike forces. The factors of the second class which we have to keep in view throughout our interpret- ations, are the formative tendencies of organisms themselves —the proclivities inherited by them from antecedent organ- isms, and which past processes of evolution have bequeathed. We have seen it to be a necessary inference from various orders of facts (§§ 65, 84, 97,) that organisms are built up of certain highly-complex molecules, which we distinguished as physio- logical units—each kind of organism being built up of phy- siological units peculiar to itself. We found ourselves obliged to recognize in these physiological units, powers of arranging themselves into the forms of the organisms to which they be- long; analogous to the powers which the molecules of inor- ganic substances have of aggregating into specific crystalline THE PROBLEMS OF MORPHOLOGY. 9 forms. We have consequently to regard this polarity of the physiological units, as producing, during the development of any organism, a combination of internal forces that expend themselves in working out a structure in equilibrium with the forces to which ancestral organisms were exposed; but not in equilibrium with the forces to which the existing organ- ism is exposed, if the environment has been changed. Hence the problem in all cases, is, to ascertain the resultant of inter- nal organizing forces, tending to reproduce the ancestral form, and external modifying forces, tending to cause deviations from that form. Moreover, we have to take into account, not only the characters of immediately-preceding ancestors, but also those of their ancestors, and ancestors of all degrees of remoteness. Setting out with rudimentary types, we have to consider how, in each successive stage of evolution, the structures acquired during previous stages, have been ob- scured by further integrations and further differentiations ; or, conversely, how the lineaments of primitive organisms have all along continued to manifest themselves under the superposed modifications. § 179. Two ways of carrying on the inquiry suggest themselves. We may go through the several great groups of organisms, with the view of reaching, by comparison of parts, certain general truths respecting the homologies, the forms, and the relations of their parts; and then, having dealt with the phenomena inductively, may retrace our steps with the view of deductively interpreting the general truths reached. Or, instead of thus separating the two inves- tigations, we may carry them on hand in hand—first establishing each general truth empirically, and then pro- ceeding to the rationale of it. This last method will, I think, conduce to both brevity and clearness. Let us now thus deal with the first class of morphological problems. CHAPTER fi. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. § 180. Evolution implies insensible modifications and gradual transitions, which render definition dificult—which make it impossible to separate absolutely the phases of or- ganization from one another. And this indefiniteness of distinction, to be expected a@ priort, we are compelled to re- cognize a posteriori, the moment we begin to group morpho- logical phenomena into general propositions. Thus, on in- quiring what is the morphological unit, whether of plants or of animals, we find that the facts refuse to be included in any rigid formula. ‘The doctrine that all organisms are built up of cells, or that cells are the elements out of which every tissue is developed, is but approximately true. There are living forms of which cellular structure cannot be asserted ; and in living forms that are for the most part cellular, there are nevertheless certain portions which are not produced by the metamorphosis of cells. Supposing that clay were the only material available for building, the proposition that all houses are built of bricks, would bear about the same relation to the truth, as does the proposition that all organisms are composed of cells. ‘This generalization respecting houses would be open to two criticisms: first, that certain houses of a primi- tive kind are formed, not out of bricks, but out of unmoulded clay ; and second, that though other houses consist mainly of bricks, yet their chimney-pots, drain-pipes, and ridge-tiles fe THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. if do not result from combination or metamorphosis of bricks, but are made directly out of the original clay. And of like natures are the criticisms which must be passed on the generalization, that cells are the morphological units of or- ganisms. ‘To continue the simile, the truth turns out to be, that the primitive clay or protoplasm out of which organisms are built, may be moulded either directly, or ~ with yarious degrees of indirectness, to organic struc- tures. The physiological units which we are obliged to as- sume as the components of this protoplasm, must, as we have seen, be the possessors of those complex polarities which re- sult in the structural arrangements of the organism. The assumption of such structural arrangements may go on, and, in many cases, does go on, by the shortest route; without the passage through what we call metamorphoses. But where such structural arrangements are reached by a circuitous route, the first stage is the formation of these small agere- gates, which, under the name of cells, are currently regarded as morphological units. The rationale of these truths appears to be furnished by the hypothesis of evolution. We set out with molecules one degree higher in complexity than those molecules of nitro- genous colloidal substance into which organic matter is resolvable ; and we regard these somewhat more complex mo- lecules as having the implied greater instability, greater sen- sitiveness to surrounding influences, and consequent greater mobility of form. Such being the primitive physiological units, organic evolution must begin with the formation of a minute aggregate of them—an aggregate showing vitality only by a higher degree of that readiness to change its form of aggregation, which colloidal matter in general displays; and by its ability to unite the nitrogenous molecules it meets with, into complex molecules like those of which it is com- posed. Obviously, the earliest forms must have been minute ; since, in the absence of any but diffused organic matter, no form but a minute one could find nutriment. Obviously, too, 12 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ~ it must have been structurelesss; since, as differentiations are producible only by the unlike actions of incident forces, there could have been no differentiations before such forces had had time to work. Hence, distinctions of parts like those required to constitute a cell, were necessarily absent at first. And we need not therefore be surprised to find, as we do find, specks of protoplasm manifesting life, and yet showing no signs of organization. A further stage of evolution is reached, when thevery imperfectly integrated molecules form- ing one of these minute aggregates, become more coherent ; at the same time as they pass into a state of heterogeneity, eradually increasing in its definiteness. That is to say, we may look for the assumption by them, of some distinctions of parts, such as we find in cells, and in what are called uni- cellular organisms. They cannot retain their primordial uni- formity ; and while ina few cases they may depart from it but slightly, they will, in the great majority of cases, acquire a very decided multiformity—there will result the compara- tively integrated and comparatively differentiated Protophyte and Protozoa. The production of minute aggregates of physiological units, being the first step; and the passage of such minute aggregates into more consolidated and more complex forms, being the second step ; it must naturally hap- pen that all higher organic types, subsequently arising by further integrations and differentiations, will everywhere bear the impress of this earliest phase of evolution. From the law of heredity, considered as extending to the entire succes- sion of living things during the Harth’s past history, it follows, that since the formation of these small, simple organ- isms, must have preceded the formation of larger and more complex organisms, the larger and more complex organisms must inherit their essential characters. We may anticipate that the multiplication and combination of these minute agoregates or cells, will be conspicuous in the early develop- mental stages of plants and animals; and that through- out all subsequent stages, cell-production and cell-differen THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 13 tiation will be dominant characteristics. The physiological units peculiar to each higher species, will, speaking generally, pass through this form of aggregation on their way towards the final arrangement they are to assume; because those primordial physiological units from which they are remotely descended, aggregated into this form. And yet, just as in other cases we found reasons for inferring (§ 131), that the traits of ancestral organization may, under certain conditions, be partially or wholly obliterated, and the ultimate structure “ assumed without passing through them; so, here, it is to be inferred that the process of cell-formation may, in some cases, be passed over. Thus the hypothesis of evolution prepares us for those two radical modifications of the cell- doctrine, which the facts oblige us to make. It leads us to expect that as structureless portions of protoplasm must have preceded cells in the process of general evolution ; so, in the special evolution of each higher organism, there will be an habitual production of cells out of structureless blastema. And it leads us to expect that though, generally, the physiolo- gical units composing a structureless blastema, will display their inherited proclivities by cell-development and meta- morphosis; there will nevertheless occur cases in which the tissue to be formed, is formed by direct transformation of the blastema. Interpreting the facts in this manner, we may recognize that large amount of truth which the cell-doctrine contains, without committing ourselves to the errors involved by the sweeping assertion of it. We are enabled to understand how it happens that organic structures are usually cellular in their composition, at the same time that they are not universally so. We are shown that while we may properly continue to regard the cell as the morphological unit, we must constantly bear in mind that it is such, only in a greatly-qualified sense.* * Let me here refer those who are interested in this question, to Prof. Hux- ley’s criticism on the cell-doctrine, published in the Medico-Chirurgical Review in 1853. 14 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. § 181. These aggregates of the lowest order, each formed of physiological units united into a group that is structurely single, and cannot be divided without destruction of its individuality, may, as above implied, exist as independent organisms. ‘The assumption to which we are committed by the hypothesis of evolution, that such so-called uni-cellular plants, were at first the only kinds of plants, is in harmony with the fact that habitats not occupied by plants of higher orders, commonly contain these protophytes in great abund- ance and great variety. The various species of Protococcus, of Desmidiacee, and Diatomacee, supply examples of morpho- logical units living and propagating separately, under nu- merous modifications of form and structure. Figures 1, 2, and 3, represent a few of the commonest types. Mostly, simple pla be individually visible without the microscope. But, in some cases, these vegetal aggregates of the first order, grow to appreciable sizes. In the mycelium of some fungi, we have single cells developed into long branched filaments, or ramified tubules, that are of considerable lengths. An analogous structure characterizes certain tribes of Alga, of which Codium adherens, Fig. 4, may serve as an example. In Hydrogastrum, an- other alga, Fig. 5, we have a structure which is described as L THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 15 simulating a perfect plant, with root, stem, bud, and fruit, all produced by the branching of a single cell. And among fungi, the genus Botrytis, Fig. 6, furnishes an illus- tration of allied kind. Here, though the size attained is much greater than that of many organisms which are mor- phologicaliy compound, we are compelled to consider the morphological composition as simple; since the whole can no more be separated into minor wholes, than can the branched vascular system of an animal. In these cases, we have con- es, bulk attained, not by a number of aggregates of he first order being united into an aggregate of the second or ee but by the continuous growth of an ageregate of the first sadee § 182. The transition to higher forms begins in a very unobtrusive manner. Among these aggregates of the first order, an approach towards that union by which ageregates of the second order are produced, is indicated by mere juxta- position. Protophytes multiply rapidly; and their rapid multiplication sometimes causes crowding. When, instead of floating free in the water, they form a thin film on a moist surface, or are imbedded in a common matrix of mucus; the mechanical obstacles to dispersion result in a kind of feeble integration, vaguely shadowing forth a combined group. Somewhat more definite combination is shown us by such plants as Palmella botryoides. Here the members of a family of cells, arising by the spontaneous fission of a parent-cell, remain united by slender threads of that jelly-like substance which envelops their surfaces. In some Diatomacee, several individuals, instead of completely separating, hold together by their angles; and in other Diatomacee, as the Bacillaria, a variable number of units cohere so slightly, that they are continually moving in relation to one another. This formation of aggregates of the second order, faintly indicated in feeble and variable unions like the above, may be traced through phases of increasing permanence and de- 16 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. finiteness, as well as increasing extent. In the yeast-plant, Fig. 7, we have cells which may exist singly, or joined into groups of several; and which have their shapes scarcely at all modified by their connexion. Among the Desmidiacee, it happens in many cases, that the two individuals produced by division of a parent-individual, part as soon as they are fully formed ; but in other cases, instead of parting they compose a group of two. Allied kinds show us how, by subsequent fissions of the adherent individuals and their progeny, there result longer groups; and in some species, a continuous thread: of them is thus produced. Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, exhibit these @ ‘TOA Do Sz a es 12 vai ah IS ere dl Oo Sty 0s 17 TE eles OB BRIBE SES, BBB B B go0s0 G/0q0G quevoo 200 (£4 several stages. Instead of linear aggregation, some of the Desmidiacee illustrate central aggregation; as shown in Figs. 12, 18, 14,15. Other instances of central aggrega- tion are furnished by such protophytes as the Goniwm pector- ale, Fig. 16 (a being the front view, and 6 the edge view), and the Sarcina ventriculi, Fig. 17. Further, we have that spherical mode of aggregation of which the Volvox globator furnishes a familiar instance. Thus far, however, the individuality of the secondary ag- eregate is feebly pronounced: not simply in the sense that it is small; but also in the sense that the individualities of the primary aggregates are very little subordinated. But on seeking further, we find transitions towards forms in which the compound individuality is more dominant, while the sim- ple individualities are more obscured. Obscuration of one kind, accompanies mere increase of size in the second- ary ageregate: in proportion to the greater number of the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. gy morphological units held together in one mass, becomes their relative insignificance as individuals. We see this in the irregularly-spreading lichens that form patches on rocks; and in such creeping fungi as grow in films or laminz on decaying wood and the bark of trees. In these cases, how- ever, the integration of the component cells is of an almost mechanical kind. The aggregate of them is scarcely more individuated than a lump of inorganic matter: as witness the way in which the lichen extends its curved edges in this or _ that direction, as the surface favours; or the way in which the fungus grows round and imbeds the shoots and leaves that lie in its way, just as so much plastic clay might do. Though here, in the augmentation of mass, we see a progress towards the evolution of a higher type; we have as yet none of that definiteness required to constitute a compound unit, or true ageregate of the second order. Another kind of ebscuration of the morphological units, is brought about by their more complete coalescence into the form of some struc- ture made by their union. This is well exemplified among t]-¢ Conferve, and their allies: In Fig. 18, there are re- 19. eo" ag 27 ‘ ie ip presented the stages of a growing Mougeotia genuflexa, in which this merging of the simple individualities into the compound individuality, is shown in the history of a single plant ; and in Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, are represented a series of species from this group, and that of Cladophora, in which we see a progressing integration. While in the lower types, the primitive spheroidal forms of the cells are scarcely Vou: IT, 2 18 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. altered ; in the higher types, the cells are so fused together as to constitute cylinders divided by septa. Here, how- ever, the indefiniteness is still great: there are no specific limits to the length of any. thread thus produced ; and none of that differentiation of parts required to give a decided in- dividuality to the whole. To constitute something lke a true ageregate of the second order, capable of serving as a compound unit, that may be combined with others like itself mto still higher ageregates, there must exist both mass and definiteness. § 183. An approach towards plants which unite these cha- racters, may be traced in such forms as Bangia ciliaris, Fig. 24. The multiplication of cells here takes place, not in A oe a longitudinal direction only, but also in a transverse direction; and the transverse multiplication being greater towards the middle of the frond, there results a differ- ence between the middle and the two ex- tremities—a character which, in a feeble way, unites all the parts into a whole. Even this shght individuation is, however, very indefinitely marked; since, as shown by the figures, the lateral multiplication of cells fo) does not go on in a precise manner. | From some such type as this there appear 4 to arise, by slight differences in the modes of growth, two closely-allied groups of plants, haying individualities somewhat more pro- nounced. If, while the cells multiply lon- gitudinally, their lateral multiplication goes on in one direc- tion only, there results a flat surface, as in Ulva hinza, Vig. 25; or where the lateral multiplication is less uniform in its rate, in types like Fig. 26. But where the lateral multipli- cation occurs in two directions transverse to one another, a hollow frond may be produced—sometimes irregularly % OU oo IOORS - Ova TBOCOCOSCOSOUISSBOSOOS OOS OSBACSES LO THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 19 spheroidal, and sometimes irregularly tubular; as in Entero- morpha intestinalis, Fig. 27. And occasionally, as in Entero- | morphacompressa, Fig. 28, thistubular frond becomes branched, Figs. 29 and 30 are magnified portions of such fronds ; show- ing the simple cellular aggregation which allies them with the preceding forms. In the common uci of our coasts, other and somewhat higher stages of this integration are displayed. We have fronds preserving something hke constant breadths; and dividing dichotomously with approximate regularity. Though the sub-divisions so produced, are not to be regarded at all as separate fronds, but only as extensions of one frond, they foreshadow a higher degree of composition; and by the com- paratively methedic way in which they are united, give to the aggregate a more definite, as well as a more complex, in- dividuality. Many of the higher lichens exhibit an analogous advance. While in the lowest lichens, the different parts of the thallus are held together only by being all attached to the supporting surface, in the higher lichens the thalius is so far integrated that it can support itself by attachment to such surface at one point only. And then, m still more developed kinds, we find the thallus assuming a dichotomously-branched form, and so gaining a more specific character as well as greater size. 20 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, Where, as in types like these, the morphological units show an inherent tendency to arrange themselves in a man- ner that is so far constant as to give characteristic propor- tions, we may say that there is a recognizable compound in- _dividuality. Considering the Thallogens that grow in this way, apart from their kinships, and wholly with reference to their morphological composition, we might not inaptly de- scribe them as pseudo-foliar. § 184. Another mode in which aggregation is so carried on as to produce a compound individuality of considerable definiteness, is variously displayed among other families of Aige. When the cells, instead of multiplying longitudin- ally alone, and instead of all multiplying laterally as well as longitudinally, multiply laterally only at particular places ; they produce a branched structure. Indications of this mode of aggregation occur among the Conferve and simple plants akin to them, as shown in Figs. 22, 23. Though, in some of the more developed A/ge which exhibit the ramified arrangement in a higher degree, the component cells are, like those of the lower Alge, united to- gether end to end, in such way as but little to obscure their separate forms, as in Cladophora Hutchinsie, Fig. 31; they ? nevertheless evince greater subordination to the whole of which they are parts, by arranging themselves more method- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 21 ically. Still further pronounced becomes the compound individuality, when, while the component cells of the branches unite completely into jointed cylinders, the com- ponent cells of the stem begin to multiply laterally, so as to form an axis distinguished by its relative thickness and com- plexity. Such types of structures are indicated by Figs. 32, 33—figures representing small portions of plants which are quite tree-like in their entire outlines. On examiming Figs. 84, 35, 36, which show the structures of the stems in these types, it will be seen, too, that the component cells in becoming more coherent, have undergone changes of form which obscure their individualities more than before: not only are they much elongated, but they are so compressed as to be prismatic rather than cylindrical. This structure, be- sides displaying integration of the morphological units car- ried on in two directions instead of one; and besides displaying this higher integration in the greater merging of the indi- vidualities of the morphological units in the general individu- ality ; also displays it in the more pronounced subordination of the branches and branchlets to the main stem. This differ- entiation and consolidation of the stem, brings all the second- ary growths into more marked dependence; and so renders the individuality of the aggregate more decided. We might not iappropriately call this type of structure pseud-axial. It simulates that of the higher plants in cer- tain leading characters. We sce in it a primary axis along which development may continue indefinitely, and from which there bud out, laterally, secondary axes of like na- ture, bearing like tertiary axes; and this is the mode of growth with which Phenogams make us familiar. But the resemblance goes no further ; for these pseud-axes are devoid of those lateral appendages—those leaves or foliar organs— which true axes bear, and the bearing of which ordinarily constitutes them true axes. § 185. Some of the larger Alye supply examples of an 22 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. integration still more advanced: not simply inasmuch as they unite much greater numbers of morphological units into continuous masses; but also inasmuch as they com- bine the pseudo-foliar structure with the pseud-axial sirue- ture. Our own shores furnish an instance of this in the common Laminaria; and certain gigantic Luce of the Antartic seas, supply yet better instances. In some of these, the germ develops a very long slender stem, which eventually expands into a large bladder-like or cylindrical air-vessel; and from the surface of this there grow out numerous leaf-shaped expansions. Another kind, Lessonia fuscescens, Fig. 37, shows us a massive stem growing up through water many feet deep—a stem which, bifureating as it approaches the surface, dat- Wf tens out the ends of its subdivisions into fronds like ribands. ‘These, however, are not true folar appendages, since they are merely ex- panded continuations of the stem. The whole plant, great as is its size, and made up though it seems to be of many groups of mor- phological units, united into a compound eroup by their marked subordination to a connecting mass, is nevertheless a single thallus. The aggregate is still an aggregate of the second order. But ameng certain of the highest Alge, we do find some- thing more than this union of the pseud-axial with the pseudo-foliar structure. In addition to pseud-axes of comparative complexity ; and in addition to pseudo-folia that are like leaves, not only in their general shapes, but in haying mid-ribs and even veins; there are the be- ginnings of a higher stage of integration. Figs. 38, 39, and 40, show some of the steps. In Rhodymenia palmata, Fig. 38, the parent-frond is comparatively irregular in shape, and without a mid-rib; and along with this very imperfect integration, we see that the secondary fronds growing from THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 23 the edges are distributed very much at random, and are by no means specific in their shapes. A considerable advance is displayed by Phyllephera rubens, Fig. 89. Here the frond, primary, secondary, or tertiary, betrays some approach to- wards regularity in both form’and size; by which, as also by its partially-deveioped mid-rib, there is established a more marked individuality ; and at the same time, the growth of the secondary fronds no longer occurs anywhere on the edge, in the same plane as the parent frond, but from the surface at specific places. Delesseria sanguinea, Fig. 40, illustrates a much more definite arrangement of the same kind. The fronds of this plant, quite regularly shaped, have their parts decidedly subordinated to the whole; and from their mid- ribs grow other fronds, which are just like them. Each of these fronds is an organized group of those morphological units which we distinguish as aggregates of the first order. And in this case, two or more such ageregates of the second order, well individuated by their forms and structures, are united together; and the plant composed of them is thus rendered, in so far, an aggregate of the third order. Just noting that in certain of the most-developed Algae, as 24 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the Sargassum, or common gulf-weed, this tertiary degree of composition is far more completely displayed, so as to pro- duce among Thallogens a type of structure closely simulating that of the higher plants, let us now pass to the considera- tion of these higher plants. § 186. Having the surface of the soil for a support and the air for a medium, terrestrial plants are mechanically circum- stanced in a manner widely different from that in which aquatic plants are circumstanced. Instead of being buoyed up by a surrounding fluid of specific gravity equal to their own, they have to erect themselves into a rare fluid which yields no appreciable support. Further, they are dis- similarly conditioned in having two sources of nutriment in place of one. Unhke the Algw, which derive all the mate- rials for their tissues from the water bathing their entire surfaces, and use their roots only for attachment ; most of the plants which cover the Harth’s surface, absorb part of their food through their imbedded roots and part through their exposed leaves. ‘These two marked unlikenesses in the rela- tions to surrounding conditions, profoundly affect the respec- tive modes of growth. We must duly bear them in mind while studying the further advance of composition. The class of plants to which we now turn—that of Acrogens —is nearly related by its lower members to the classes above dealt with : so much so, that some of the inferior liverworts are quite licheniform, and are often mistaken for lichens. Passing over these, let us recommence our analysis with such members of the class, as repeat those indications of progress towards a higher composition, which we have just observed among the more-developed Alge. The Jungermanniacee furnish us with a series of types, clearly indicating the transi- tion from an aggregate of the second order to an aggregate of the third order. Figs. 41, and 42, indieate the structure among the lowest of this group. Here there is but an incom- plete development of the second order of aggregate. The THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 20 frond grows as irregularly as the thallus of a lichen: it is in- definite in size and outline, spreading hither or thither as the conditions favour. Moreover, it lacks the differentiations re- quired to subordinate its parts to the whole: it is uniformly cellular, having neither mid-rib nor veins; and it puts out rootlets indifferently from all parts of its under-surface. In Hig 43, Jungermannia epiphylla, we have an advance on this type. There is here, as shown in the transverse section, Fig. 44, a thickening of the frond along its central portion, pro- ducing something like an approach towards a mid-rib; and from this the rootlets are chiefly given off. The outline, too, is much less irregular; whence results greater distinctness of the individuality. A further step is displayed in Junger- manna furcata, Fig. 45. The frond of this plant, compara- tively well integrated by the distribution of its substance around a decided mid-rib, and by its comparatively-definite outlines, produces secondary fronds—there is what is called proliferous growth; and, occasionally, as shown in Fig. 46, representing an enlarged portion, the growth is doubly-pro- liferous. In these cases, however, the tertiary aggregate, so far as it 1s formed, is but very feebly integrated; and its in- tegration 18 but temporary. or not only do these younger fronds that bud out from the mid-ribs of older fronds, develop rootlets of their own ; but as soon as they are well grown and adequately rooted, they dissolve their connexions with the parent-fronds, and become quite independent. From these transitional forms we pass, in the higher Jungerman- miacee, to forms composed of many fronds that are perman- ently united by a continuous stem. A more-developed ag- 26 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. eregate of the third order is thus produced. But though, along with increased definiteness in the secondary aggregates, there is here an integration of them so extensive and so re- cular, that they are visibly subordinated to the whole they form; yet the subordination is really very incomplete. In some instances, as in J. complanata, Fig. 47, the leaflets de- velop roots from their under surfaces, just as the primitive frond does; and in the majority of the group, as in Jd. capitata, Fig. 48, roots are given off all along the connecting stem, at the spots where the leaflets or frondlets join it: the result being, that though the connected frondlets form a physical whole, they do not form, in any decided manner, a physiological whole; since successive portions of the united series, carry on their functions independently of the rest. Finally, the most developed members of the eroup, present us with tertiary ageregates that are physio- logically as well as physically integrated. Not lying prone like the kinds thus far described, but growing erect, the stem and attached leaflets become dependent upon a single root or eroup of roots; and being so prevented from carrying on their functions separately, are made members of a compound indi- vidual—there arises a definitely-established aggregate of the third degree of composition. The facts as arranged in the above order, are suggestive. Minute aggregates, or cells, the grouping of which we traced in § 182, showed us analogous phases of indefinite union, which appeared to lead the way towards definite union. We THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. yoy see here among compound aggregates, as we saw there among simple aggregates, the establishment of a specific form, and a size that falls within moderate limits of varia- tion. This passage from less definite extension to more de- finite extension, seems in the one case, as the other, to be ac- companied by the result, that growth exceeding a certain rate, ends in the formation of a new aggregate, rather than an enlargement of the old. And on the higher stage, as on the lower, this process, irregularly carried out in the simpler types, produces in them unions that are but temporary ; while in the more-developed types, it proceeds in a systematic way, and ends in the production of a permanent aggregate that 1s doubly compound. Must we then conclude, that as cells, or morphological units, are integrated into a unit of a higher order, which we eall a thallus or frond; so, by the integration of fronds, there is evolved a structure such as the above-delineated species possess P Whether this is the interpretation to be given of these plants, we shall best see when considering whether it is the interpretation to be given of plants that rank above them. Thus far we have dealt only with the Cryptogamia. We have now to deal with the Phanerogamia or Phenogamia. CHAPTER Iif. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS, CONTINUED. § 187. Tar advanced composition arrived at in the Acrogens, is carried still further in the Endogens and Hxo- gens. In these most-elevated vegetal forms, aggregation of the third order is always distinctly displayed; and agere- gates of the fourth, fifth, sixth, &c., orders are very common. Our inquiry into the morphology of these flowering plants, may be advantageously commenced by studying the development of simple leaves into compound leaves. It is easy to trace the transition, as well as the conditions under which it occurs; and tracing it will prepare us for under- standing how, and when, metamorphoses still greater in de- gree, take place. § 188. If we examine a branch of the common bramble, when in flower or afterwards, we shall not unfrequently find a simple or undivided leaf, at the insertion of one of the lateral flower-bearing axes, composing the terminal cluster of flowers. Sometimes this leaf is partially lobed ; sometimes cleft into three small leaflets. Lower down on the shoot, if it bea lateral one, oceur larger leaves, composed of three leaflets; and in some of these, two of the leaflets may be lobed more or less deeply. On the main stem, the leaves, usually still larger, will be found to have five leaflets. Sup- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 29 posing the plant to be a well-grown one, if will furnish all gradations between the simple, very small leaf, and the large composite leaf, containing sometimes even seven leaflets. Figs. 50 to 64, represent leading stages of the transition, eee: IS 3S 1 What determines this transition ? Observation shows that the quintuple leaves occur where the materials for growth are supplied in greatest abundance; that the leaves become less BO MOP PHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and less compound, in proportion to their remoteness from the main currents of sap; and that where an entire absence of divisions or lobes is observed, it is on leaves within the flower-bunch: at the place, that is, where the forces that cause growth are nearly equilibrated by the forces that oppose growth; and where, as a consequence, gamogenesis is about to set in (§ 78). Additional evidence that the degree of nutrition determines the degree of composition of the leaf, is furnished by the relative sizes of the leaves. Not only, on the average, is the quintuple leaf much larger in its total area than the triple leaf; but the component leaflets of the one, are usually much larger than those of the other. The like con- trasts are still more marked between triple leaves and simple leaves. This connexion of decreasing size with decreasing composition, is conspicuous in the series of figures: the differ- ences shown, being not nearly so great as may be frequently observed. Confirmation may be drawn from the fact, that when the leading shoot is broken or arrested in its growth, the shoots it gives off (provided they are given off after the injury), and into which its checked currents of sap are thrown, produce leaves of five leaflets, where ordinarily leaves of three leaflets occur. Of course incidental circumstances, as varia- tions in the amounts of sunshine, or of rain, or of matter sup- plied to the roots, are ever producing changes in the state of the plant as a whole ; and by thus affecting the nutrition of its leaf-buds at the times of their formation, cause irregularities in the relations of size and composition above described. But taking these causes into account, it is abundantly manifest that « leaf-bud of the bramble, will develop into a simple leaf or into a leaf compounded in different degrees, according to the quantity of assimilable matter brought to it at the time when the rudiments of its structure are being fixed. And on studying the habits of other plants—on observing how annuals that have compound leaves, usually bear simple leaves at the outset, when the assimilating surface is but small; and how, when compound-leaved plants in full growth THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. ol pear simple leaves in the midst of compound ones, the rela- tive smallness of such simple leaves shows that the buds from which they arose were ill-supplied with sap; it will cease to be doubted that a foliar organ may be metamorphosed into a group of foliar organs, if furnished, at the right time, with a quantity of matter greater than can be readily organized round a single centre of growth. An examination of the transitions through which a compound leaf passes into a doubly-compound leaf, as seen in the various intermediate forms of leaflets in Fig. 65, will further enforce this conclusion. Here we may advantageously note, too, how in such cases, the leaf-stalk undergoes concomitant changes of structure. In the bramble-leaves above described, it becomes compound simultaneously with the leaf—the veins become mid-ribs while the mid-ribs become petioles. Moreover, the secondary stalks, and still more the main stalks, bear thorns similar in their shapes, and approaching in their sizes, to those on the stem; 32 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. besides simulating the stem in colour and texture. In the petioles of large compound leaves, like those of the com- mon Jleraclewm, we still more distinctly see both imternal and external approximations in character to axes. Nor are there wanting plants whose large, though simple, leaves, are held out far from the stems, by foot-stalks that are, near the ends, sometimes so like axes, that the transverse sections of the two are indistinguishable; as instance the Calla Hthiopica. One other fact respecting the modifications which leaves undergo, should be set down. Not only may leaf-stalks as- sume toa great degree the characters of stems, when they have to discharge the functions of stems, by supporting many leaves or very large leaves; but they may assume the cha- racters of leaves, when they have to undertake the functions cf leaves. The Australian Acacias furnish a remarkable illustration of this. Acacias elsewhere found, bear pinnate leaves; but the majority of those found in Australia, bear what appear to be simple leaves. It turns out, however, that these are merely leaf-stalks flattened out into foliar shapes: the laminee of the leaves being undeveloped. And the proof is, that in young plants, showing their kinships by their em- bryonic characters, these leaf-like petioles bear true leaflets at their ends. A ae ay of lke kind occurs in Ozalis bupleurifolia, Fig. 66. The fact most deserving of notice, however, is, that these leaf- __ stalks, in usurping the gene- ral aspects and functions of leaves, have also usurped their structures: though their ve- nation is not like that of the leaves they replace, yet they have veins, and in some cases mid-ribs. Reduced to their most general expression, the truths above shadowed forth are these :—That group of morphologi- cal units, or cells, which we see integrated into the compound unit called a leaf, has, in each higher plant, a typical form; due to the special arrangement of these cells around a mid-rib and THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. Oo veins. Ifthe multiplication of morphological units, at the time when the leaf-bud is taking on its main outlines, exceeds a certain limit, these units begin to arrange themselves round secondary centres, or lines of growth, in such ways as to re- peat, in part or wholly, the typical form: the larger veins become transformed into imperfect mid-ribs of partially inde- pendent leaveS; or into complete mid-ribs of quite separate ieaves. And as there goes on this transition from a single ageregate of cells toa group of such aggregates, there simul- taneously arises, by similarly-imsensible steps, a distinct structure which supports the several aggregates thus pro- duced, and unites them into a compound aggregate. ‘These phenomena should be carefully studied; since they give us a key to more involved phenomena. § 189. Thus far we have dealt with leaves ordinarily so called: briefly indicating the homologies between the parts of the simple and the compound. Let us now turn to the homo- logies among foliar organs in general. These have been made familiar to readers of natural history, by popularized outlines of The Metamorphosis of Plants ”’—a title, by the way, which is far too extensive ; since the phenomena treated of under it, form but a small portion of those it properly in- cludes. Passing over certain vague anticipations that have been quoted from ancient writers, and noting only that some clearer recognitions were reached by Joachim Jung, a Ham- burg professor, :n the middle of the 17th century ; we come _ to the Theorta Generationis, which Wolff published in 1759, and in which he gives a definite form to the conceptions that have since become current. Specifying the views of Wolff, Dr Masters writes,—‘“‘ After speaking of the homologous nature of the leaves, the sepals and petals, an homology consequent on their similarity of structure and identity of origin, he goes on to state that the ‘pericarp is manifestly composed of several leaves, as in the calyx, with this differ- 34 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. ence only, that the leaves which are merely placed in close contact in the calyx, are here united together ;’ a view which he corroborates by referring to the manner in which many capsules open and separate ‘into their leaves.’ The seeds, too, he looks upon as consisting of leaves in close combination. His reasons for considering the petals and stamens as homologous with leaves, are based upon the same facts as those which led Linneus, and, many years afterwards, Goethe, to the same conclusion. ‘In a word,’ says Wolff, ‘we see nothing in the whole plant, whose parts at first sight differ so remark- ably from each other, but leaves and stem, to which latter the root is referrible.’”’ It appears that Wolff, too, enunci- ated the now-accepted interpretation of compound fruits: basing it on the same evidence as that since assigned. In the essay of Goethe, published thirty years after, these rela- ‘tions among the parts of flowering plants were traced out in ereater detail, but not in so radical a way; for Goethe did not, as did Wolff, verify his hypothesis by dissecting buds in their early stages of development. Goethe appears to have arrived at his conclusions independently. But that they were original with him, and that he gave a more variously-illus- trated exposition of them than had been given by Wolif, does not entitle him to anything beyond a secondary place, among those who have established this important generaliza- tion. Were it not that these pages may be read by some to whom Biology, in all its divisions, is a new subject of study, it would be needless to name the evidence on which this now- familiar generalization rests. For the information of such it will suffice to say, that the fundamental kinship existing among all the foliar organs of a flowering plant, is shown by the transitional forms which may be traced between them, and by the occasional assumption of one another’s forms. “Floral leaves, or bracts, are frequently only to be distin- guished from ordinary leaves by their position at the base of the flower; at cther times the bracts gradually assume more THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 30 and more of the appearance of the sepals.” The sepals, or divisions of the calyx, are not unlike undeveloped leaves: sometimes assuming quite the structures of leaves. In other cases, they acquire partially or wholly the colours of the petals—as, indeed, the bracts and uppermost stem-leaves occasionally do. Similarly, the petals show their alliances to the foliar organs lower down on the axis, and to those higher up on the axis: on the one hand, they may develop into or- dinary leaves that are green and veined; and, on the other hand, as so commonly seen in double flowers, they may bear anthers on their edges. All varieties of gradation into neighbouring foliar organs, may be witnessed in stamens. Flattened and tinted in various degrees, they pass insensibly into petals, and through them prove their homology with leaves; into which, indeed, they are transformed in flowers that become wholly foliaceous. The style, too, is occasionally changed into petals or into green leaflets; and even the ovules are now and then seen to take on leaf-like forms. Thus we have clear evidence that in Phenogams, all the ap- pendages of the axis are homologues: they are all modified leaves. | Wolff established, and Goethe further illustrated, another general law of structure in flowering plants. Lach leaf commonly contains in its axil, a bud, similar in structure to the terminal bud. ‘This axillary bud may remain unde- veloped; or it may develop into a lateral shoot like the main shoot; or it may develop into a flower. If a shoot bearing lateral flowers be examined, it will be found that the internode, or space which separates each leaf with its axillary flower from the leaf and axillary flower above it, becomes eradually less towards the upper end of the shoot. In some plants, as in the fox-glove, the internodes constitute a regularly-diminishing series. In other plants, the series they form suddenly begins to diminish so rapidly, as to bring the flowers into a short spike—instance the common orchis. And again, by a still more sudden dwarfing of the internodes, the 36 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. flowers, are brought into a cluster; as they are in the cows- lips :On sratenmplatins a clover owen in which this clustering has been carried so far as to produce a com- pact head; and on considering what must happen if, by a further arrest of axial development, the foot-stalks of the florets disappear; it will be seen that there must result a crowd of flowers, seated close together on the end of the axis. And if, at the same time, the internodes of the upper stem- leaves also remain undeveloped, these stem-leaves will be grouped into a common calyx or involucre: we shall have a composite flower, such as the thistle. Hence, to modifications in the developments of foliar organs, have to be added modi- fications in the developments of axial organs. Comparisons disclose the gradations through which axes, like their append- ages, pass into all varieties of size, proportion, and structure. And we learn that the occurrence of these two kinds of metamorphosis, in all conceivable degrees and combinations, furnishes us with a proximate interpretation of morpho- logical composition in Pheenogams. I say a proximate interpretation, because there remain to be solved certain deeper problems; one of which at once presents itself to be dealt with under the present head. Leaves, petals, stamens, &e., being shown to be homologous foliar organs; and the part to which they are attached, proving to be an indefinitely-extended axis of growth, or axial organ; we are met by the questions,— What is a foliar organ ? and What is an axial organ ? The morphological com- position of a Phenogam is undetermined, so long as we can- not say to what lower structures leaves and shoots are homo- logous; and how this integration of them originates. To these questions let us now address ourselves. § 190-1. Already, in § 78, reference has been made to the occasional development of foliar organs into axial organs: the special case there described, being that of a fox-glove, in which some of the sepals were ee by Hlower-buds. THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 37—48 The observation of these and some analogous monstrosities, raising the suspicion that the distinction between foliar organs and axial organs is not absolute, led me to examine into the matter; and the result has been the deepening of this suspicion into a conviction. Part of the evidence is given in Appendix A Some time after having reached this conviction, I found on looking into the literature of the subject, that analogous ir- regularities have suggested to other observers, beliefs siinalant at variance with ae current morphological creed. Duffi- culties in satisfactorily defining these two elements, have served to shake this creed in some minds. ‘To others, the strange leaf-like developments which axes undergo in certain plants, have atforded reasons for doubting the constancy of this distinction which vegetal morphologists usually draw. And those not otherwise rendered sceptical, have been made to hesitate by, such cases as that of the Nepaul-barley ; in which the glume, a foliar organ, becomes developed into an axis, and bears flowers. In his essay— “Veeetable Morphology: its History and Present Condi- tion,’ * whence I have already quoted, Dr Masters indicates sundry of the grounds for thinking, that there is no impassable demarcation between leaf and stem. Among other difficult- ies Which meet us if we assume that the distinction is abso- lute, he asks—‘ What shall we say to cases such as those afforded by the leaves of Guarea and T'richilia, where the leaves after a time assume the condition of branches and de- velop young leaflets from their free extremities, a process less perfectly seen in some of the pinnate-leaved kinds of Berberis or Mahonia, to be found in almost every shrubbery ?” A class of facts on which it will be desirable for us nere to dwell a moment, before proceeding to deal with the matter deductively, is presented by the Cactacee. In this remark- able group of plants, deviating in such varied ways from the ordinary.pheenogamic type, we find many highly instructive * See British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review for January, 1862. 44 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, modifications of form and structure. By contemplating the changes here displayed within the limits of a single order, we shall greatly widen our conception of the possibilities of metamorphosis in the vegetal kingdom, taken as a whole. Two different, but similarly-significant, truths are illustrated. First, we are shown how, of these two components of a flowering plant, commonly regarded as primordially distin- guished, one may assume, throughout numerous species, the functions, and to a great degree the appearance, of the other, Second, we are shown how, in the same individual, there may occur a re-metamorphosis—the usurped function and appearance being maintained in one part of the plant, while in another part, there is a return to the ordinary appearance and function. We will consider these two truths separ- ately. Some of the Huphorbiacee, which simulate Cactuses, show us the stages through which such abnormal structures are arrived at. In Huphorbia splendens, the lateral axes are considerably swollen at their distal ends, so as often to be club-shaped: still, however, being covered with bark of the ordinary colour, and still bearing leaves. But in kindred plants, as Huphorbia neriifolia, this swelling of the lateral axes is carried to a far greater extent; and, at the same time, a green colour and a fleshy consistence have been acquired: the typical relations nevertheless being still shown, by the few leaves that grow out of these soft and swollen axes. In the Cactacee, which are thus resembled by plants not otherwise allied to them, we have indications of a parallel transformation. Some kinds, not commonly brought to England, bear leaves; but in the species most familiar to us, the leaves are undeveloped and the axes assume their functions. Passing over the many varieties of form and eombination which these green succulent growths display, we have to note that in some genera, as in Phy/locactus, they become flattened out into foliaceous shapes, having mid-ribs and something approaching to veins. So that here, and in the genus Epiphyllwm, which has this character still more THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. ~ 49 marked, the plant appears to be composed of fleshy leaves growing one upon another. And then, in Phipsalis, the same parts are so leaf-like that an uncritical observer would regard them as leaves. These which are axial organs in their homologies, have become foliar organs in their analogies. When, instead of comparing these strangely-modified axes in different genera of Cactuses, we compare them in the same individual, we meet with transform- ations no less striking. Where a tree-like form is pro- duced by the growth of these foliaceous sheots, one on another ; and where, as a consequence, the first-formed of them become the main stem that acts as support to secondary and tertiary stems; they lose their green, succulent character, acquire bark, and become woody—in resuming the functions of axes they resume the structures of axes, from which they had de- viated. In Fig. 71 are shown some of the leaf-like axes of Ethipsalis rhombea in their young state; while Fig. 72 repre- sents the oldest portion of the same plant, in which the foli- aceous characters are quite obliterated, and there has re- sulted an ordinary stem-struc- ture. One further fact is to be noted. At the same time that their leaf-like appearances are lost, the xxes also lose their separate individualities. As they become stem-like, they also become integrated; and they do this so effectually, that their original points of junction, at first so strongly marked, are effaced, and a consolidated trunk is produced. Joined with the facts previously specified, these facts help us to conceive how, in the evolution of flowering plants in general, the morphological components that were once distinct, may become extremely disguised. "We may ration- ally expect that during so long a course of modification, much greater changes of form, and much more decided fusions 46. MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. of parts, have taken place. Seeing how, in an individual plant, the single leaves pass into compound leaves, by the devel- opment of their veins into mid-ribs while their mid-ribs begin to simulate axes; and seeing that leaves ordinarily exhibit- ing definitely-limited developments, occasionally produce other leaves from their edges; we are led to suspect the pos- sibility of still greater changes in foliar organs. When, fur- ‘her, we find that within the limits of one natural order, petioles usurp the functions and appearances of leaves, at the same time that in other orders, as in Ruscius, lateral axes so completely simulate leaves that their axial nature would never have been supposed, did they not bear flowers on their mid- ribs or edges; and when, among Cactuses, we perceive that such metamorphoses and re-metamorphoses take place with great facility ; our suspicion that the morphological elements of Phenogams admit of profound transformations, 1s deepened. And then, on discovering how frequent are the monstrosities that do not seem satisfactorily explicable without admitting the development of foliar organs into axial organs; we become ready to entertain the hypothesis, that during the evolution of the phenogamic type, the distinction between leaves and axes has arisen by degrees. With our pre-conceptions loosened by such facts, and carrying with us the general idea which such facts suggest, let us now consider in what way the typical structure of a flowering plant may be interpreted. § 192. To proceed methedically, we must seek a clue to the structures of Endogens and Exogens, in the structures of those inferior plants that approach to them—Acrogens. The various divisions of this class present, along with sundry characters which ally them with Thallogens, other charac- ters by which the phanogamic structure is shadowed forth. While some of the inferior Hepatice or Liverworts, severally consist of little more than a thallus-like frond; among the higher members of this group, and still more among the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 47 Mosses and Ferns, we find a distinctly marked stem.* Some Acrogens have foliar expansions that are indefinite in their forms; and some have quite definitely-shaped leaves. Roots are possessed by all the more developed genera of the class; but there are other genera, as Sphagnum, which have no roots. Here the fronds are thallus-like, in being formed of only a single layer of cells; and there a double layer gives them a more leaf-like character—a difference exhibited between closely-allied genera of one order, the Mosses. Equally varied are the developments of the foliar-organs in their detailed structures: now being without mid-ribs or veins ; now having mid-ribs but no veins; now having both mid-ribs and veins. Where stem and leaves exist, their imperfect differentiation is shown by the fact, that in many cases the stem is covered by an epidermis containing stomata. Nor must we omit the similarly-significant circumstance, that whereas in the lower Acrogens, the reproductive elements are immersed here and there in the thallus-like frond ; they are, in the higher orders, seated in well-specialized and quite distinct fructifying organs, having analogies with the flowers of Phzenogams. Thus, many facts imply that if the phenogamic type is to be analyzed at all, we must look among the Acrogens for its mor- phological components, and the manner of their integration. Already we have seen among the lower Cryptogamia, how * Schleiden, who chooses to regard as an axis, that which Mr Berkeley, with more obvious truth, calls a mid-rib, says :—“ The flat stem of the Liverworts pre- sents many varieties, consisting frequently of one simple layer of thin-walled cells, or it exhibits in its axis the elements of the ordinary stem.”’ This passage exemplifies the wholly gratuitous hypotheses which men will sometimes espouse, to escape hypotheses they dislike. Schleiden, with the positiveness characteristic of him, asserts the primordial distinction between axial organs and foliar organs. In the higher Acrogens, he sees an undeniable stem. In the lower Acrogens, clearly allied to them by their fructification, there is no structure having the remotest resemblance to astem. But to save his hypothesis, Schleiden calls that ‘‘a flat stem,” which is very obviously a structure in which stem and leaf are not differ- entiated. He is the more to be blamed for this uuphilosophical assumption, since ke is merciless in his strictures on the unphilosophical assumptions of other botanists. Vor. IL. | 3 48 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. as they become integrated and definitely limited, aggregates acquire the habit of budding out other aggregates, on reach- ing certain stages of growth. Cells produce other cells endogenously or exogenously ; and fronds give origin to other fronds from their edges or surfaces. We have seen, too, that the new aggregates so produced, whether of the first order or the second order, may either separate or remain zonnected. Fissiparously-multiplying cells in some cases fly asunder, while in other cases they unite into threads or laminee or masses; and fronds originating proliferously from other fronds, sometimes when mature disconnect themselves from their parents, and sometimes continue attached to them. Whether they do or do not part, is clearly determined by their nutrition. If the conditions are such that they can severally thrive better by separating after a certain develop- ment is reached, it will become their habit then to separate ; since natural selection will favour the propagation of those which separate most nearly at that time. If, conversely, it profits the species for the cells or fronds to continue longer attached, which it can only do if their growth and subse- quent powers of multiplication are thereby increased ; it must happen, through the continual survival of the fittest, that longer attachment will become an established characteristic ; and by persistence in this process, permanent attachment will result, when permanent attachment is advantageous. That disunion is really a consequence of relative innu- trition, and union a consequence of relative nutrition, is clear, «@ posteriori. On the one hand, the separation of the new individuals, whether in germs or as developed ageregates, 1s a decaying away of the connecting tissue; and this implies that the connecting tissue has ceased to perform its function as a channel of nutriment. On the other hand, where, as we sec among Phenogams, there is about to take place a separation of new individuals in the shape of germs, at the point where the nutrition is the lowest, a sudden increase of nutrition will cause the impend- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION UF PLANTS. 49 ~ ing separation to be arrested; and the fructifying elements will revert towards the ordinary form, and develop in con- nexion with the parent. Turning to the Acrogens, we find among them, many indications of this transition from dis- continuous development to continuous development. Thus the Liverworts give origin to new plants by cells which they throw off from their surfaces; as, indeed, we have seen that much higher plants do. “According to Bischoff,’ says Schleiden, “both the cells of the stem (Jungermannia biden- tata) and those of the leaves (J. exsecta) separate themselves as propagative cells from the plant, and isolated cells shoot out and develop while still connected with the parent plant into small cellular bodies (J. violacea), which separate from the plant, and grow into new plants, as in Mnium androgynum among the Mosses.” Now in the way above explained, these propagative cells and proliferous buds, may continue de- veloping in connexicn with the parent, to various degrees before separating ; or the buds which are about to become fructifying organs, may similarly, under increased nutrition, develop into young fronds. As Sir W. Hooker says of the male fructification in Jungermannia furcata,—* It has the ap- pearance of being a young shoot or innovation (for in colour and texture I can perceive no difference) rolled up into a spherical figure.” On finding in this same plant, that some- times the proliferously-produced frond, buds out from itself another frond before separating from the parent, as shown in Fig. 46; it becomes clear that this long-continued connexion, may readily pass into permanent connexion. And when we see how, even among Phenogams, buds may either detach themselves as bulbils, or remain attached and become shoots ; we can scarcely doubt that among inferior plants, less de- finite in their modes of organization, such transitions must continually occur. Let us suppose, then, that Fig. 73 is the frond of some primitive Acrogen, similar in general characters to Junger- co) mannia epiphylla, Fig.43; bearing, like it, the fructifying buds 50) MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. on its upper surface, and having a slightly- marked mid-rib and rootlets. And sup- pose that, as shown, a secondary frond is ~\proliferously produced from the mid-rib, and continues attached to it. Evidently, the ordinary discontinuous development, can thus become a continuous development, only on condition that there is an adequate supply, to the secondary frond, of such materials as are furnished by the rootlets: the remaining materials being obtainable by itself from the air. Hence, that portion of the mid-rib lying between the secondary frond and the chief rootlets, having its function increased, will increase in bulk. An additional consequence will be, a ereater concentration of the rootlets— there will be extra growth of those which are most serviceably placed. Observe, next, that the structure so arising, is likely to be maintained. Such a variation implying, as it does, circumstances especially favour- able to the growth of the plant, will give to the plant extra chances of leaving de- scendants; since the area of frond sup- ported by a given area of the soil, being greater than in other individuals, there may be a greater production of spores. And then, among the more numerous descendants thus secured by it, the varia- tion will give advantages to those in which it recurs. Such a mode of growth having, in this manner, become established, let us ask what is next likely to result. If it becomes the habit of the primary frond to bear a secondary frond from its mid-rib, this secondary frond, composed of physiological units of the same kind, will inherit the habit; and supposing THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS, 5] that the supply of mineral matters obtained by the rootlets suffices for the full development of the secondary frond, there is a likelihood that the growth from it of a tertiary frond, will become an habitual characteristic of the variety. Along with the establishment of such a tertiary frond, as shown in Fig. 74, there must arise a further development of mid-rib in the primary frond, as well as in the secondary frond—a develop- ment which must bring with it a greater integration of the two; while, simultaneously, extra growth will take place in such of the rootlets as are most directly connected with this main channel of circulation. Without further explanation it will be seen, on inspecting Figs. 75 and 76, that there may in this manner result an integrated series of fronds, placed alternately on opposite sides of a connecting vascular struc- ture. That this connecting vascular structure will, as shown in the figures, become more distinct from the foliar surfaces as these multiply, is no unwarranted assumption; for we have seen in compound-leaved plants, how, under analogous con- ditions, mid-ribs become developed into separate supporting parts, which acquire some of the characters of axes while as- suming their functions. And now mark how clearly the structure thus built up by integration of proliferously- growing fronds, corresponds with the structure of the more- developed Jungermanniacee. Hach of the fronds successively produced, repeating the characters of its parent, will bear roots; and will bear them in homologous places, as shown. Further, the united mid-ribs having but very little rigidity, will be unable to maintain an erect position. Hence there will result the recumbent, continuously-rooted stem, which these types exhibit. Nay, the parallelism is more complete than the figures show. To avoid confusion, the fronds thus supposed to be progressively integrated, have been repre- sented as simple. But, as shown in Fig. 45, these lower types ordinarily have fronds which divide dichotomously, in such way that one division is larger than the other ; and this 52 ; MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT is just the character of the successive leaves in the higher types. As shown in Fig. 47, each leaf is usually composed of two unequal lobes. A natural concomitant of the mode of growth here de- scribed, is, that the stem, while it increases longitudinally, increases scarcely at all transversely: hence the name Acrogens. Clearly the transverse development of a stem, is the correlative, partly of its function as a channel of circula- tion, and partly of its function as a mechanical support. That an axis may lift its attached leaves into the air, implies thickness and solidity proportionate to the mass of such leaves; and an increase of its sap-vessels, also proportionate to the mass of such leaves, is necessitated when the roots are all at one end and the leaves at the other. But in the generality of Acrogens, these conditions, under which arises the necessity for transverse' growth of the axis, are absent, wholly or in great part. The stem habitually creeps below the surface, or hes prone upon the surface; and where it prows in a vertical or inclined direction, does this by at- taching itself to a vertical or inclined object. Moreover, throwing out rootlets, as it mostly does, at intervals through- out its length, it is not called upon in any considerable de- eree, to transfer nutritive materials from one of its ends to the other. Hence this peculiarity which gives their name to the Acrogens, is a natural accompaniment of the low degree of specialization reached in them. And that it is an incidental and not a necessary peculiarity, is demonstrated by two converse facts. On the one hand, in those higher Acrogens which, like the tree-ferns, lift large masses of foliage into the air, there is just as decided a transverse ex- pansion of the axis asin Hxogens. On the other hand, in those Exogens which, like the common Dodder, gain sup- port and nutriment from the surfaces over which they creep, there is no more lateral expansion of the axis than is habit- ual among Acrogens. Concluding, as we are thus fully justi- fied in doing, that the lateral expansion accompanying longi- THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 53 tudinal extension, which is a general characteristic of Endogens and Exogens as distinguished from Acrogens, is nothing more than a concomitant of their usually-vertical growth ;* let us now go on to consider how vertical growth originates, and what are the structural changes it involves. § 193. Plants depend for their prosperity mainly on air and light: they dwindle where they are smothered, and thrive where they can expand their leaves into free space and sunshine. Those kinds which assume prone positions, consequently labour under disadvantages in being habitually interfered with by one another—they are mutually shaded and mutually injured. Such of them, however, as happen, by variations in mode of growth, to get at all above the rest, are more likely to flourish and leave offspring than the rest. That is to say, natural selection will favour the more upright- growing forms: individuals with structures that lift them above the rest, are the fittest for the conditions; and by the continual survival of the fittest, such structures must become established. There are two: essentially-different ways in which the integrated series of fronds above described, may be modified so as to acquire the stiffness needful for main- taining perpendicularity. We will consider them separately. A thin layer of substance gains greatly in power of re- sisting a transverse strain, if it is bent round so as to form a tube—witness the difference between the pliability of a sheet of paper when outspread, and the rigidity of the same sheet of paper when rolled up. Engineers constantly recognize * JT am indebted to Dr Hooker for pointing out further facts supporting this view. In his Flora Antarctica, he describes the genus Lessonia (see Fig. 37) and especially Z. ovata, as having a mode of growth simulating that of the Exogens. The tall vertical stem thickens as it grows, by the periodical addition of layers to its periphery. Among lichens, too, it seems that there is an analogous case. That even Thallogens should thus, under certain conditions, present a transversely- increasing axis, shows that there is nothing absolute in the character which gives the names to the two highest classes of plants, in contradistinction to the class nearest to them. 54 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. this truth, in devising appliances by which the greatest strength shail be obtained at the smallest cost of material; and among organisms, we see that natural selection habit- ually establishes structures conforming to the same principle, wherever lightness and stiffness are to be combined. The cylindrical bones of mammals and birds, and the hollow shafts of feathers, are examples. The lower plants, too, furnish cases where the strength needful for maintaining an upright position, is acquired by this rolling up of a flat thallus or frond. In Fig. 77, we have an Alga which ap- proaches towards a tubular distribution of substance ; and which has a consequent rigid- ity. Sundry common forms of lichen, having the thallus folded into a branched tube, still more decidedly display- ing the connexion between | this structural arrangement and this mechanical advantage. And from the particular class of plants we are here dealing with—the Acrogens—a type is shown in Fig. 78, Riella helicophylla, similarly cha- racterized by a thin frond that 1s made stiff enough to stand, by an incurving which, though it does not produce a hollow cylinder, produces a kindred form. If, then, as we have seen, natural selection or survival of the fittest, will favour such among these recumbent Acrogens, as are enabled, by variations of their structures, to maintain raised postures ; it will favour the formation of fronds that curve round upon themselves, and curve round upon the fronds growing out of them. What, now, will be the result should such a modification take place in the group of proliferous fronds represented in Fig. 76? Clearly, the result will be a structure like that shown in Fig. 79. And if this imrolling becomes more complete, a form like Jungermannia cordifolia, THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 3) represented in Fig. 80, will be produced. When the successive fronds are thus folded round so com- pletely that their opposite edges meet, these opposite edges will be apt to unite: not that they will grow together after being formed, but that a \ they willdevelopin connexion; 7. 80 or, in botanical language, will become “adnate.” That foliar surfaces which, in their embryonic state, are in close contact, often join into one, is a familiar fact. It is habitually so with sepals or divisions of the calyx. In all campanulate flowers it is so with petals. And in some tribes of plants it is so with stamens. We are therefore well-warranted in inferring, that under the conditions above described, the suc- cessive fronds or leaflets will, by union of their remote edges, first at their points of origin, and afterwards higher up, form sheaths inserted one within another, and including the AXIS. This incurving of the successive fronds, ending in the formation of sheaths, may be accompanied by different sets of modifications. Supposing Fig. 81 to be a transverse section of such a type (a being the mid-rib, and b the expansion of an older frond; while cis a younger frond proliferously developed within it), there may begin two di- vergent kinds of changes, leading to two contrasted struc- tures. If, while frond continues to grow out of frond, the series of united mid-ribs continues to be the channel of circu- Jation between the uppermost fronds and the roots—if, as a consequence, the compound mid-rib, or rudimentary axis, con- tinues to increase in size laterally ; there will arise the series of transitional forms represented by the transverse sections 82, 83, 84, 85; ending in the production of a solid axis, everywhere wrapped round by the foliar surface of the frond, as an outer layer or sheath. But if, on the other 56 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. hand, circumstances favour a form of plant which maintains its uprightness at the smallest cost of substance—if the vascular bundles of each succeeding mid-rib, instead of re- maining concentrated, become distributed all round the tube formed by the infolded frond; then the structure eventually reached, through the transitional forms 86, 87, 88, 89, will be a hollow cylinder. And now observe how the two structures thus produced, correspond with two kinds of Hndogens. Fig. 90 represents a species of Dendrobium, in which we see clearly how each leaf is but a continuation of the external layer of a solid axis—a sheath such as would result from the infolded edges of a frond becoming adnate ; and on examining how the sheath of each leaf includes the one above it, and how the successive sheaths include the axis, it will be manifest that the relations of parts are just such as exist in the united series of fronds shown in Fig. 79—the successive nodes answering to the successive points of origin of the fronds. Conversely, the stem of a grass, Fig. 91, dis- plays just such relations of parts, as would result from the de- velopment of the type shown in Fig. 79, if instead of the mid- ribs thickening into a solid axis, the matter composing them became evenly distributed round the foliar surfaces, at the “ THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. OF same time that the incurved edges of the foliar surfaces united. The arrangements of the tubular axis and its ap- pendages, thus resulting, are still more instructive than those of the solid axis. or while, even more clearly than in the Dendrobium, we see at the point b, a continuity of structure between the substance of the axis below the node, and the substance of the sheath above the node; we see that this sheath, instead of having its edges united as in Dendrobium, has them simply overlapping, so as to form an incomplete hollow cylinder which may be taken off and unrolled; and we see that were the overlapping edges of this sheath, united all the way from the node a to the node 3, it would constitute a tubular axis, like that which precedes it or like that which it includes. And then, giving an unexpected conclusiveness to the argument, it turns out that in one family of grasses, the overlapping edges of the sheaths do unite: thus furnishing us with a demonstration that tubular structures are produced by the incurving and joining o1 foliar surfaces; and that so, hollow axes may be interpreted as above, without making any assumption unwarranted by fact. One further correspondence between the type thus ideally constructed, and the endogenous type, must pe noted. If, as already pointed out, the transverse growth of D8 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. an axis arises, when the axis comes to be a channel of circu- lation between all the roots at one of its extremities and all the leaves at the other; and if this lateral bulging must in- crease, as fast as the quantity cf foliage to be brought in communication with the roots imcreases—especially if such foliage has at the same time to be raised high above the earth’s surface; what must happen to a plant constructed in the manner just described? ‘The elder fronds or foliar or- gans, ensheathing those within them, as well as the incipient axis serving as a bond of union, are at first of such cireum- ference only as suffices to inclose these undeveloped parts. What, then, will take place when the inclosed parts grow— when the axis thickens while it elongates? Evidently the earliest-formed sheaths, not being large enough for the swelling axis, must burst; and evidently each of the later- formed sheaths must, in its turn, do the like. There must result a gradual exfoliation of the successive sheaths, lke that indicated as beginning in the above figure of Dendio- bium ; which, at a, shows the bud of the undeveloped parts just visible above the enwrapping sheaths, while at b, and ¢, it shows the older sheaths in process of being split open. That is to say, there must result the mode of growth which helps to give the name Endogens to this class. ihe other way in which an integrated series of fronds may acquire the rigidity needful for maintaining an erect position, has next to be considered. « If the successive fronds do not acquire such habit of curling as may be taken ad- vantage of by natural selection, so as to produce the requisite stiffness ; then, the only way in which the requisite stiffness appears producible, is by the thickening and hardening of the fused series of mid-ribs. The incipient axis will not, in this case, be inclosed by the rolled-up fronds; but will con- tinue exposed. Survival of the fittest will favour the genesis ot a type, in which those portions of the successive mid-ribs that enter into the continuous bond, become more bulky than the disengaged portions of the mid-ribs: the individuals THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 09 which thrive and have the best chances of leaving offspring, being, by the hypothesis, individuais having axes stiff enough to raise their foliage above that of their fellows. At the same time, under the same influences, there will tend to result an elongation of those portions of the mid-ribs, which become parts of the incipient axis; seeing that it will profit the plant to have its leaves so far removed from cne another, as to prevent mutual interferences. Hence, from the recumbent type, there will evolve, by indirect equilibration, (§ 167) such modifications as are shown in Figs. 92, 93, 94: the first of which is a slight advance on the ideal type represented in Fig. 76, arising in the way described; and the others of which are actual plants—Jungermannia Hookeri, and J. decipiens. ‘Thus the higher Acrogens show us how, along with an assumption of the upright attitude, there does go on, as we see there must go on, a separation of the leaf- producing parts from the root-producing parts; a greater development of that connecting portion of the successive fronds, by which they are kept in communication with the roots, and raised above the ground; and a consequent in- ereased differentiation of such connecting portion from the parts attached to it. And this lateral bulging of the axis, directly or indirectly consequent on its functions as a support 60 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. and a channel, being here unrestrained by the carly-formed fronds folded round it, goes on without the bursting of these. Hence arises a leading character of what is called exogenous growth—a growth which is, however, still habitually accom- panied by exfoliation, in flakes, of the outermost layer, con- tinually being cracked and split by the accumulation of layers within it. And now if we examine plants of the exogenous type, we find among them many displaying the stages of this metamorphosis. In Fig. 95, is shown a form in which the continuity of the axis with the mid-rib of the leaf, is manifest—a continuity that is conspicuous in the common thistle. Here the foliar expansion, running some distance down the axis, makes the included portion of the axis a part of its mid-rib; just as in the ideal types above drawn. By the greater growth of the internodes, which are very variable, not only in different plants but in the same plant, there results a modification like that delineated in Fig. 96. And then, in such forms as Fig. 97, there is shown the arrangement that arises when, by more rapid develop- ment of the proximal portion of the mid-rib, the distal part of the foliar surface is separated from the part which em- braces the axis: the wings of the mid-rib still serving, how- ever, to connect the two portions of the foliar surface. Such a separation is, as poimted out in § 188, an habitual occur- rence ; and in some compound leaves, an actual tearing of the inter-veinous tissue, is caused by extra growth of the mid-rib. Modifications like this, and the further one in Fig. 98, we may expect to be established by survival of the fittest, among THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 61 {l.ose plants which produce considerable masses of leaves; since the development of mid-ribs into footstalks, by throw- ing the leaves further away from the axes, will diminish the shading of the leaves, one by another. And then, among plants of bushy growth, in which the assimilating surfaces become still more liable to intercept one another’s light, natural selection will continue to give an advantage to those which carry their assimilating surfaces at the ends of the petioles, and do not develop assimilating surfaces close to the axis, where they are most shaded. Whence will result a disappearance of the stipules and the foliar fringes of the mid-ribs ; ending in the production of the ordinary stalked leaf, Fig. 99, which is characteristic of trees. Meanwkile, the axis thickens in proportion to the number of leaves it has to carry, and to put in communication with the roots ; and so there comes to be a more marked contrast between it and the vetioles, severally carrying a leaf each.* § 194. When, in the course of the process above sketched out, there has arisen such community of nutrition among the fronds thus integrated into a series, that the younger ones are aided by materials which the older ones have elaborated ; the younger fronds will begin to show, at earlier and earlier periods of development, the structures about to originate from them. Abundant nutrition will abbreviate the intervals between the successive prolifications; so that eventually, while each frond is yet imperfectly formed, the rudiment of the next will begin to show itself. All embryology justifies this inference. The analogies it furnishes’ lead us to expect fiat when this serial arrangement becomes organic, the growing part of the series will show the general relations of * Since this paragraph was put in type, I have observed that in some varieties of Cineraria, as probably in other plants, a single individual furnishes all these forms of leaves—all gradations between unstipulated leaves on long petioles, and leaves that embrace the axis. It may be added that the distribution of these ya- rious forms, is quite in harmony with the rationale above given. lad IGOR 7a SO) wu uv P\) @ wp . 62 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT the forthcoming parts, while they are very small and uns specialized. What willin such case be the appearances they assumed ? We shall have no diificulty in perceiving what it will be, if we take a form like that shown in Fig. 92, and dwarf its several parts at the same time that we generalize them. Figs. 100, 101, 102, and 103, will show the result; ‘and in Fig. 104, which is the bud of an exogen, we sce how clear is the morphological correspondence: @ being the rudiment of a folar organ beginning to take shape; b being the almost formless rudiment of the next foliar organ; and c being the quite-undifferentiated part whence the rudiments of subsequent foliar organs are to arise. And now we are prepared for entering on a still-remaining question respecting the structure of Phanogams—what is the origin of axillary buds? As the synthesis at present stands, it does not account for these; but on looking a little more closely into the matter, we shall find that the axillary buds are interpretable in the same manner as the terminal buds. So to interpret them, however, we must return to that pro- cess of proliferous growth with which we set out, for the pur- pose of observing some facts not before named. Delesseria hypoglossum, Fig. 105, represents a seaweed of the same genus as one outlined in Fig. 40; but of a species in which pro- liferous growth is carried much further. Here, not only does the primary frond bud out many secondary fronds from its mid-rib ; but most of the secondary fronds similarly bud out several tertiary fronds; and even by some of the tertiary fronds, this prolification is repeated. Besides being shown that the budding out of several fronds from one frond, may become habitual; we are also shown that it may become a habit inherited by the fronds so produced, and also by the * THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 63 fronds they produce: the manifestation of the tendency, being probably limited only by failure of nutrition. That under fit conditions, an analogous mode of growth will occur in fronds of the acrogenic type, like those we set out with, is shown by the case of Jungermaninia furcata, Figs. 45, 46, in which such compound prolification is partially displayed. Let us suppose then, that the frond a, Fig. 106, produces not only a single secondary frond b, but also another such secondary frond, U!. Let us suppose, further, that the frond b is in like manner doubly proliferous: producing both ¢ and cl. Lastly, let us suppose that in the second frond 0! which a produces, as well as in the second frond ¢ which U produces, the doubly-proliferous habit is manifested. If, now, this habit grows organic—if it becomes, as it natur- ally will become, the characteristic of a plant of luxuriant erowth, the unfolding parts of which can be fed by the un- folded parts; it will happen with each lateral series, as with the main series, that its successive components will begin to shcw themselves at earlier and earlier stages of development. And in the same way that, by dwarfing and generalizing §4 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the original series, we arrive at a structure like that of the terminal bud; by dwarfing and generalizing a lateral series, as shown in Figs. 107—110, we arrive at a structure an- swering in nature and position to the axillary bud. (AY 2d call L039 ZO 107 Facts confirming these interpretations, are afforded by the structure and distribution of buds. The phzenogamic axis in its primordial form, being an integrated series of folia ; and the development of that part by which these folia are held together at considerable distances from one another, taking place afterwards; it is inferable from the general principles of embryology, that in its rudimentary stages, the phenogamic axis will have its foliar parts much more clearly marked out than its axial parts. This we see in every bud. Every bud consists of the rudiments of leaves packed to- gether without any appreciable internodal spaces; and the internodal spaces begin to increase with rapidity, only when the foliar organs have been considerably developed. More- over, where nutrition is defective, and arrest of development takes place—that is, where a flower is formed—the inter- nodes remain undeveloped: the process of unfolding ceases before the later-acquired characters of the phenogamic axis are assumed. Lastly, as the hypothesis leads us to expect, axillary buds make their appearances later than the foliar organs which they accompany; and where, as at the ends of axes, these foliar organs show failure of chlorophyll, the axillary buds are not produced at all. That these are in- ferable traits of structure, will be manifest on contemplating Figs. 106—110; and on observing, first, that the doubly- proliferous tendency of which the axillary bud isa result, im- plies abundant nutrition; and on observing, next, that the original place of secondary prolification, is such that the foliar THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 65 surface on which it occurs, must grow to some extent before the bud appears. | On thus looking at the matter—on contemplating afresh the ideal type shown in Fig. 106, and noting how, by the conditions of the case, the secondary prolifications must cease before that primary prolification which produces the main axis; we are enabled to reconcile all the phenomena of axil- lary gemmation. We see harmony among the several facts— first, that the axillary bud becomes a lateral, leaf-bearing axis if there is abundant material for growth; second, that its development is arrested, or it becomes a flower-bearing axis, if the supply of sap is but moderate; third, that it is absent when the nutrition is failing. We are no longer committed to the gratuitous assumption, that in the pheeno- gamic type, there must exist an axillary bud to each foliar organ; but we are led to conclude, @ priori, that which we find, a posteriori, that axillary buds are as normally absent in flowers as they are normally present lower down the axis. And then, to complete the argument, we are prepared for the corollary that axillary prolification may naturally arise even at the ends of axes, provided the failing nutrition which causes the dwarfing of the foliar organs to form a flower, be suddenly changed into such high nutrition as to transform the components of the flower into appendages that are green, if not otherwise leaf-like—a condition under which only, this phenomenon is proved to occur. § 195. One more question presents itself, when we con- trast the early stages of development in the two classes of Phenogams; and a further answer supplied by the hypothe- sis, gives to the hypothesis a further probability. It is cha- _racteristic of an endogen, to have a single seed-leaf or coty- ledon ; and it is characteristic of an exogen, to have at least two cotyledons, if not more than two. ‘That is to say, the monocotyledonous mode of germination everywhere co- exists with the endogenous mode of growth; and along with 3 66 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. the exogenous mode of growth, there always goes either a dicotyledonous or polycotyledonous germination. Why is this? Such correlations cannot be accidental—cannot be meaningless. A true theory of the phenogamic types, in their origin and divergence, should account for the connex- ion of these traits. Let us see whether the foregoing theory does this. The higher plants, like the higher animals, bequeath to their offspring more or less of nutriment and structure. Superior organisms of either kingdom do not, as do all in- ferior organisms, cast off their progeny in the shape of minute portions of protoplasm, unorganized and without stocks of material fit for them to organize; but they either deposit along with the germs they cast off, certain quantities of albumenoid substance, fit for them to appropriate while they develop themselves, or else they continue to supply such substance while the germs partially-develop themselves before their detachment. Among plants, this constitutes the dis- tinction between seeds and spores. very seed contains a store of food to serve the young plant during the first stages of its independent life; and usually, too, befere the seed is detached, the young plant is so far advanced in structure, that it bears to the attached stock of nutriment much the same relation that the young fish bears to the appended yelk- bag at the time of leaving the egg. Sometimes, indeed, the development of chlorophyll gives the seed-leaves a bright green, while the seed is still contained in the parent- pod. This early organization of the pheeno- - gam, must be supposed rudely to indicate the type out of which the pheenogamic type arose. On the foregoing hypo- thesis, the seed-leaves therefore represent the primordial fronds—which, indeed, they simulate in their simple, cellular, unyeined structures. And the question here to be asked is— do the different relations of the parts in young endogens and exogens correspond with the different relations of the primor- dial fronds, severally implied by the endogenous and the THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 67 exogenous modes of growth?’ We shall find that they do. Starting, as before, with the proliferous form shown in Fig. 111, it is clear that if the strength required for main- taining the vertical attitude, is obtained by the rolling up of the fronds, the primary frond will more and more conceal the secondary frond within it. At the same time, the secondary frond must continue to be dependent on the first for its nutri- tion ; and being produced within the first, must be prevented by defective supply of light and air, from ever becoming syn- chronous in its development with the first. Hence, this infolding which leads to the endogenous mode of growth, implies that there must always continue such pre-eminence ond | 220\(\ of the first-formed frond or its representative, as to make the germination monocotyledonous. Figs. 111 to 115, show the transitional forms that would result from the infolding of the fronds. In Fig. 116, a vertical section of the form repre- sented in Fig. 115, are exhibited the relations of the succes- 63 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. sive fronds to each other. ‘The modified relations that would result, if the nutrition of the embryo admitted of anticipatory development of the successive fronds, is shown in Fig. 117. And how readily the structure may pass into that of the monocotyledonous germ, will be seen on inspecting Fig. 118; which is a vertical section of an actual monocotyledon at an early stage—the mcomplete lines at the left of its root, indi- eating its connexion with the seed.* Contrariwise, where the strength required for maintaining an upright atti- tude is not obtained by the rolling up of the fronds, but by the strengthening of the continuous mid-rib, the second frond, so far from being less favourably circumstanced than the first, becomes in some respects even more favourably circumstanced: being above the other, 1t gets a greater share of light, and it is less restricted by surrounding obstacles. There is nothing, therefore, to prevent it from rapidly gaining an equality with the first. Andif we assume, as the truths of embryology entitle us to do, an increasing tendency towards -anticipation in the development of subsequent fronds—if we assume that here, as in other cases, structures which were originally produced in succession, will, if the nutrition allows and no mechanical dependence hinders, come to be pro duced simultaneously ; there is nothing to prevent the pas- sage of the type represented in Fig. 111, into that represented * Since these figures were put on the block, it has occurred to me that the relations would be still clearer, were the primary frond represented as not taking part in these processes of modification, which have been described as giving rise to the erect form; as, indeed, the rooting of its under surface will prevent it from doing in any considerable degree. In such case, cach of the Figs. 111 to 117, should have a horizontal rooted frond at its base, homologous with the pro-em- bryo among Acrogens, This primary frond would then more manifestly stand in the same relation to the rest, as the cotyledon does to the plumule—both by position, and as a supplier of nutriment. Fig. 117 a, which I am enabled to add, shows that this would complete the interpretation. Of the dicotyledonous series, it is needful to add no further explanation than that the difference in habit of growth, will permit the second frond to root itself as well as the first; and so to become an additional source of nutrition, similarly circumstanced to the first and equal with it. Vi THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 63 in Fig. 122. Or rather, there is everything to facilitate it ; seeing that natural selection will continually favour the pro- duction of a form in which the second frond grows in such way as not to shade the first, and in such way as allows the axis readily to assume a vertical position. Thus, then, is interpretable the universal connexion between monocotyledonous germination and endogenous growth; as well as the similarly-universal connexion between exogenous erowth and the development of two or more cotyledons. That it explains these fundamental relations, adds very greatly to the probability of the hypothesis. § 196. While we are in this manner enabled to discern the kinship that exists between the higher vegetal types themselves, as well as between them and the lower types; we are at the same time supplied with a rationale of those truths which vegetal morphologists have established. ‘Those homo- logies which Wolff indicated in their chief outlines and Goethe followed out in detail, have a new meaning given to them when we regard the phenogamic axis as having been evolved in the way described. Forming the modified con- - ception which we are here led to do, respecting the units of which a flowering plant is composed, we are no longer left without an answer to the question— What is an axis? And we are helped to understand the naturalness of those. cor- respondences which the successive members of each shoot display. Let us glance at the facts from our present stand- point. | The unit of composition of a Phenogam, is such portion of a shoot as answers to one of the primordial fronds. ‘This portion is neither one of the foliar appendages nor one of the internodes; but it consists of a foliar appendage together with the preceding internode, including the axillary bud where this is developed. The parts intercepted by the dotted lines in Fig. 123, constitute such a segment; and the true homology is between this and any other foliar organ with the 70 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. portion of the axis below it. And now observe how, when we take this for the unit of composition, the metamorphoses which the phenogamic axis displays, are inferable from known laws of development. Embryology teaches us that arrest of development shows itself first in the absence of those parts that have arisen latest in the course of evolution; that if defect of nutrition causes an earlier arrest, parts that are of more ancient origin abort; and that the part alone produced when the supply of materials fails near the outset, is the prim- ordial part. We must infer, therefore, that in each seg- ment of a Phenogam, the foliar organ, which answers to the primordial frond, will be the most constant element; and that the internode and the axillary bud, will be successively less constant. This we find. Along with a smaller size of foliar surface implying lower nutrition, it is usual to see a much-diminished internode and a less-pronounced axillary bud, as in Fig. 124. On approaching the flower, the i 1 425 426 127 128129 axillary bud disappears; and the segment is reduced to a small foliar surface, with an internode which is in most cases very short if not absent, as in 125 and 126. In the flower itself, axillary buds and internodes are both want- ing: there remains only a foliar surface (127), which, though often larger than the immediately preceding foliar surface, shows failing nutrition by absence of chlorophyll. And then, in the quite terminal organs of fructification (129), we have the foliar part itself reduced to a mere rudiment. Though these progressive degenerations are by no means recular, being in many cases varied by adaptation to par- ticular requirements, yet it cannot, I think, be questioned, ae THE MORPHOLOGICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. 71 that the general relations are as described, and that they are such as the hypothesis leads us to expect. Nor are we without a kindred explanation of certain remaining traits of foliar organs in their least-developed forms. Petals, stamens, pistils, &c., besides reminding us of the primordial fronds by their diminished sizes, and by the want of those several supplementary parts which the preceding segments possess, also remind us of them by their histological charac- ters: they consist of simple cellular tissue, scarcely at all differentiated. The fructifying cells, too, which here make their appearance, are borne in ways like those in which the lower Acrogens bear them—at the edge of the frond, or at the end of a peduncle, or immersed in the general substance ; as in Figs. 128 and 129. Nay, it might even be said that the colours assumed by these terminal folia, call to mind the plants out of which we conclude that Pheenogams have been evolved; for it is said of the fronds of the Jungermanniacee, that ‘though under certain circumstances of a pure green, they are inclined to be shaded with red, purple, chocolate, or other tints.” As thus understood, then, the homologies among the parts of the phenogamic axis are interpretable, not as due toa needless adhesion to some typical form or fulfilment of a pre- determined plan; but as the inevitable consequences of the mode in which the phznogamic axis originates. § 197. And now it remains only to observe, in confirmation of the foregoing synthesis, that it at once explains for us various irregularities. When we see leaves sometimes pro- ducing leaflets from their edges or extremities, we recognize in the anomaly, a resumption of an original mode of growth: fronds frequently do this. When we learn that a flowering plant, as the Drosera intermedia, has been known to develop a young plant from the surface of one of its leaves, we are at once reminded of the proliferous growths and fructifying organs in the Liverworts. The occasional production of bul- Vor, II: 4 72 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. bils by Pheenogams, ceases to be so surprising when we find it to be habitual among the inferior Acrogens ; and when we see that it is but a repetition, ona higher stage, of that self- detachment which is common among proliferously-produced fronds. Nor are we any longer without a solution of that transformation of foliar organs into axial organs, which not uncommonly takes place. How this last irregularity of development is to be accounted for, we will here pause a moment to consider. Let us first glance at our data. The form of every organism, we have seen, must depend on the structures of its physiological units. Any group of such physiological units will tend to arrange itself into the complete organism, if it is uncontrolled and placed in fit conditions. Hence the development of fertilized germs; and hence the development of those self-detached cells which characterize some plants. Conversely, physiclogical units which form a small group involved in a larger group, and are subject to all the forces of the larger group, will become sub- ordinate in their structural arrangements to the larger group —will be co-ordinated into a part of the major whole, in- stead of co-ordinating themselves Into a minor whole. This antithesis will be clearly understood on remembering how, on the one hand, a small detached part of a hydra soon moulds itself into the shape of an entire hydra; and how, on the other hand, the cellular mass that buds out in place of a lobster’s lost claw, gradually assumes the form of a claw —has its parts so moulded as to complete the structure of the organism: a result which we cannot but ascribe to the forces which the rest of the organism exerts upon it. Con- sequently, among plants, we may expect that whether any portion of protoplasm moulds itself into the typical form around an axis of its own, or is moulded into a part subor- dinate to another axis, will depend on the relative mass of its physiological units—the accumulation of them that has taken place before the assumption of any structural arrange- ment. NY —— the air, and have shapes not altogether unlike those of butterflies. Fig. 272 represents one of these creatures. That its bilaterally-sym- metrical shape harmonizes with itsbilaterally- | symmetrical conditions is sufficiently obvious. 272 Among the Lamellibranchiata, we have diverse forms accompanying diverse modes of life. Such of them as frequently move about, like the fresh- water Mussel, have their two valves and the contained parts alike on the opposite sides of a vertical plane: they are bilaterally symmetrical in conformity with their mode of movement. The marine Mussel, too, though habitually fixed, and though not usually so fixed that its two valves are similarly conditioned, still retains that bilateral symmetry which is characteristic of the order; and it does this because in éhe species considered as a whole, the two valves are not dissimilarly conditioned. If the positions of the various individuals are averaged, it will be seen that the differenti- ating actions neutralize one another. In certain other fixed Lamellibranchs, however, there is a considerable deviation from bilateral symmetry ; and it is a deviation of the kind to be anticipated under the circumstances. Where one valve is always downwards, or next to the surface of attachment, while the other valve is always upwards, or next to the environing water, we may expect to find the two valves become unlike. This we do find: witness the Oyster. In the Oyster, too, we see a further irregularity. There isa great indefiniteness of outline, both in the shell and im the animal — an indefiniteness made manifest by comparing different individuals. We have but to remember that growing ‘clustered together, as Oysters do, they must interfere with € THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 185 ene another in various ways and degrees, to see how the indeterminateness of form and the variety of form are accounted for. Among the Gasteropods, modifications of a more definite kind occur. ‘In all Mollusks,” says Professor Huxley, “the axis of the body is at first straight, and its parts are arranged symmetrically with regard to a longitudinal verti- eal plane, just as in a vertebrate or an articulate embryo.”’ In some Gasteropods, as the Chiton, this bilateral sym- metry is retained—the relations of the body to surround- ing actions not being such as to disturb it. But in those more numerous types that have spiral shells, there is a marked deviation from bilateral symmetry, as might be ex- pected. ‘This asymmetrical over-development never affects the head or foot of the mollusk:”’ only those parts which, by inclosure in a shell, are protected from environing actions, lose their bilateralness; while the external parts, subjected by the movements of the creatures to bilateral conditions, remain bilateral. Here, however, a difficulty meets us. Why 1s it that the naked Gasteropods, such as our common slugs, deviate from bilateral symmetry, though their modes of movement are those along with which complete bilateral symmetry usually occurs? The reply is, that their devia- tions from bilateral symmetry are probably inherited, and that they are maintained in such parts of their organiza- tion as are not exposed to bilaterally-symmetrical conditions. There is reason to believe that the naked Gasteropods are descended from Gasteropods that had shells: the evidence being that the naked Gasteropods have shells during the early stages of their development, and that some of them retain rudimentary shells throughout life. Now the shelled Gasteropods deviate from bilateral symmetry in the dis- position of both the alimentary system and the reproductive system. The naked Gasteropods, in losing their sheils, have lost that immense one-sided development of the alimentary system which fitted them to their shells, and have acquired 1S6 MORPHOLUGICAL DEVELOPMENT that bilateral symmetry of external figure which fits them for their habits of locomotion ; but the reproductive system remains one-sided, because, in respect .to it, the relations to external conditions remain one-sided. The Cephalopods, which are interpretable as higher de- velopments on the Gasteropod type, show us bilaterally-sym- metricalexternal forms along with habits of movement through the water in two-sided attitudes. At the same time, in the radial distribution of the arms, enabling one of these creatures to take an all-sided grasp of its prey, we see how readily upon one kind of symmetry there may be partially developed another — kind of symmetry, where the relations to conditions favour it. § 252. The Vertebrata illustrate afresh the truths which we have already traced among the Annulosa. Flying through the air, swimming through the water, and running over the earth as vertebrate animals do, in common with annulose animals, they are, in common with annulose ani- mals, different at their anterior and posterior ends, different at their dorsal and ventral surfaces, but alike along their two sides. ‘This single bilateral symmetry remains constant under the extremest. modifications of form. Among fish we see it alike in the horizontally-flattened Skate, in the vertically-flattened Bream, in the almost spherical Diodon, and in the greatly-elongated Syngnathus. Among reptiles the Turtle, the Snake, and the Crocodile all display it. And under the countless modifications of structure displayed by birds and mammals, it remains conspicuous. A less obvious fact which it concerns us to note among the Vertebrata, parallel to one which we noted among the Annulosa, is that whereas the lower vertebrate forms deviate but little from triple bilateral symmetry, the deviation be- comes great as we ascend. Figs. 273 and 274 show how, besides being divisible into similar halves by a vertical plane passing through its axis, a Fish is divisible into halves that are not very dissimilar by- a horizontal plane passing through THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 187 its axis, and also into other not very dissimilar halves by a plane cutting it transversely. If, as shown in Figs. 275 and 276, analogous sections be made of asuperior Reptile, the divided parts differ more decidedly. When a Mammal anda Bird are treated in the same way, as shown in Figs. 277, 278, and Figs. 279, 280, the parts marked off by the divid- 474 4 al. ing planes are unlike in far greater degrees. On considering the mechanical converse between organisms of these several types and their environments—on remembering that the fish habitually moves through a homogeneous medium of nearly the same specific gravity as itself, that the terrestrial reptile either crawls on the surface or raises itself very in- completely above it, that the more active mammal, haying et te ae pha P, ‘ ” 188 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. its supporting parts more fully developed, thereby has the under half of its body made more different from the upper half, and that the bird is subject by its mode of life to yet another set of actions and reactions; we shall see that these facts are quite congruous with the general doctrine, and fur- nish further support to it. One other significant piece of evidence must be named. Among the Annulosa we found unsymmetrical bilateralness in creatures having habits exposing them to unlike conditions on their two sides; and among the Vertebrata we find parallel cases. They are presented by the Pleuronectide—the order of distorted flat fishes to which the Sole and the Flounder belong. On the hypothesis of evolution, we must conclude that fishes of this order have arisen from an ordinary hila- terally-symmetrical type of fish, which, feeding at the bottom of the sea, gained some advantage by placing itself with one of its sides downwards, instead of maintaining the vertical attitude. Besides the general reason there are speci- fic reasons for concluding this. - In the first place, the young Sole or Flounder is bilaterally symmetrical—has its eyes on opposite sides of its head, and swims in the usual way. In the second place, the metamorphosis which produces the unsym- metrical structure sometimes does not take place—there are abnormal Flounders that swim vertically, like other fishes. In the third place, the transition from the symmetrical structure to the unsymmetrical structure may be traced. Almost incredible though it seems, one of the eyes is transierred from the under-side of the head to the upper- side. Until lately it was supposed that the change by which the two eyes, originally placed on opposite sides, come to be placed on the same side, is effected by a distortion of the cranium ; but it is now asserted that actual migration of an eye occurs. According to Prof. Steenstrup, the eye passes between the ununited bones of the skull ; but according to Prof. Thomson, it passes under the skin. Be the course of the metamorphosis what it may, however, it furnishes several THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 189 remarkable illustrations of the way in which forms become moulded into harmony with incident forces. For besides this divergence from bilateral symmetry mvolved by the presence of both eyes upon the upper side, there is a further divergence from bilateral symmetry involved by the differ- entiation of the two sides in respect to the contours of their surfaces and the sizes of their fins. And then, what is still more significant, there is a near approach to lkeness be- tween the halves that were originally unlike, but are, under the new circumstances, exposed to like conditions. The body is divisible into similarly-shaped parts by a plane cutting it along the side from head to tail: “ the dorsal and ventral instead of the lateral halves become symmetrical in outline and are equipoised.” § 253. Thus, little as there seems in common between the shapes of plants and the shapes of animals, we yet find, on analysis, that the same general truths are displayed by both. The one ultimate principle that in any organism equal amounts of growth take place in those directions in which the incident forces are equal, serves as a key to the phenomena of morphological differentiation. By it we are furnished with interpretations of those lkenesses and un- likenesses of parts, which are exhibited in the several kinds of symmetry; and when we take into account inherited effects, wrought under ancestral conditions contrasted in varlous ways with present conditions, we are enabled to comprehend, in a general way, the actions by which animals have been moulded into the shapes they possess. To fill up the outline of the argument, so as to make it correspond throughout with the argument respecting vegetal forms, it would be proper here to devote a chapter to the differentiations of those homologous segments out of which animals of certain types are composed. Though, among most animals of the third degree of composition, such as the root- ed Hydrozoa, the Polyzoa, and the Ascidiotda, the united 190 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. individuals are not reduced to the condition of segments of a composite individual, and do not display any marked differ- entiations; yet there are some animals in which such subordinations, and consequent heterogeneities, occur. The oceanic HHydrozoa form one group; and we have seen reason to conclude that the Annulosa form another group. It is not worth while, however, to occupy space in detailing these unlikenesses of homologous segments, and seeking specific explanations of them. Among the oceanic Hydrozoa they are extremely varied ; and the habits and derivations of these creatures are so little known, that there are no adequate data for interpreting the forms of the parts in terms of their relations to the environment. ‘Conversely, among the An- nulcsa those differentiations of the homologous segments which accompany their progressing integration, have so much in common, and have general causes which are so ob- vious, that it is needless to deal with them at any length. They are all explicable as due to the exposure of different parts of the chain of segments to different sets of actions and re- actions: the most general contrast being that between the anterior segments and the posterior segments, answering to the most general contrast of conditions to which annulose animals subject their segments; and the more special con- trasts answering to the contrasts of conditions entailed by their more special habits. Were an exhaustive treatment of the subject practicable, there should here, also, come a chapter devoted to the internal structures of animals—meaning, more especially, the shapes and arrangements of the viscera. The relations between forms and forces among these inclosed parts, are, however, mostly too obscure to allow of interpretation. Protected as the viscera are in great measure from the incidence of ex- ternal forces, we are not likely to find much correspondence between their distribution and the distribution of external forces. In this case the influences, partly mechanical, partiy physiological, which the organs exercise en one another, THE GENERAL SHAPES OF ANIMALS. 191 become the chief causes of their changes of figure and ar- rangement ; and these influences are complex and indefinite. One general fact may, indeed, be noted—the fact, namely, that the divergence towards asymmetry which generally characterizes the viscera, is marked among those of them which are most removed from mechanical converse with the environment, but not so marked among those of them which are less removed from such converse. Thus while, through- out the Vertebrata, the alimentary system, with the exception of its two extremities, is asymmetrically arranged, the re- spiratory system, which occupies one end of the body, ge- nerally deviates but little from bilateral symmetry, and the reproductive system, partly occupying the other end of the body, is in the maim bilaterally symmetrical: such deviation from bilateral symmetry as occurs, being found in its most interiorly-placed parts, the ovaries. Just indicating these facts as having a certain significance, it will be best to leave this part of the subject as too involved for detailed treat- ment. Internal structures of one class, however, not included among. the viscera, admit of general interpretation—struc- tures which, though internal, are brought into tolerably- direct relations with the environing forces, and are therefore subordinate in their forms to the distribution of those forces. These internal structures it will be desirable to deal with at some length ; both because they furnish important illustra- tions enforcing the general argument, and because an inter- pretation of them which we have seen reason to reject, cannot be rejected without raising the demand for some other interpretation. Vou. IL 9 CHAPTER XY. THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. § 254. Wuen an elongated mass of any substance is transversely strained, different parts of the mass are ex- posed to forces of opposite kinds. If, for example, a bar of metal or wood is supported at its two ends, as shown in Fig. 281, and has to bear a weight on its centre, its lower /\ /\ part is thrown into a state of tension, while its upper part is thrown into a state of compression. As will be manifest to any one who has observed what happens on breaking a stick across his knee, the greatest degree of tension falls on the fibres that form the convex surface, while the fibres forming the concave surface are subject to the greatest degree of compression. Between these extremes the fibres at different depths are subject to different forces. Progressing upwards from the under surface of the bar shown in Fic. 281, the tension of the fibres becomes less; and progressing down- wards from the upper surface, the compression of the fibres becomes less; until, at a certain distance between the twa surfaces, there is a place at which the fibres are neither ex- tended nor compressed. This, shown by the dotted line ia THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 193 the figure, is called in mechanical language the “neutral axis.” It varies in position with the nature of the substance strained: being, in common pine-wood, at a distance of about five eighths of the depth from the upper surface or three eighths from the under surface. Clearly, if such a piece of wood instead of being subject to a downward force is secured at its ends and subject to an upward force, the distribution of the compressions and tensions will be reversed, and the neutral axis will be nearest to the upper surface. Fig. 282 represents these opposite attitudes of the bar and the changed position of its neutral axis: the arrow indicating the direc- tion of the force producing the upward bend, and the faint dotted line a, showing the previous position of the neutral axis. Between the two neutral axes will be seen a central space, and it is obvious that when the bar has its strain from time to time reversed, the repeated changes of its molecular con- dition must affect the central space in a way different from that in which they affect the two outer spaces. Fig. 283 is a diagram conveying some idea of these contrasts in molecular condition. If A BC D be the middle part of a bar thus treated, while G H and K L are the alternating neutral axes; then the forces to which the bar is in each case subject, may be readily shown. Supposing the deflecting force to be acting in the direction of the arrow H, then the tensions to which the fibres between G and F are exposed, will be represented by a series of lines increasing in length as the distance from G increases; so that the triangle G F M, will express the amount and distribution of all the molecular tensions. But the molecular compressions throughout the space from G to H, must balance the molecular tensions; and hence, if the triangle G E N be made equal to the tri- LY4 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. angle G@ FE M, the parallel lines of which it is composed (here dotted for the sake of distinction) will express the amount and distribution of the compressions between E and G. Similarly, when the deflecting force is in the direction of the arrow I’, the compressions and tensions will be quantitatively symbolized by the triangle K F O, and K E PP. And thus the several spaces occupied by full lnes and by dotted lines and by the two together, will represent the different actions to which different parts of the transverse section are subject by alternating transverse strains. Here then it 1s made manifest to the eye that the central space between G@ and K, is differently conditioned from the spaces above and below it; and that the difference of condition is sharply marked off. The fibres forming the outer surface C D, are subject to violent tensions and violent compressions. Pro- eressing inwards the tensions and compressions decrease— the tensions the more rapidly. As we approach the point G, the tensions to which the fibres are alternately subject, bear smaller and smaller ratios to the compressions, and disappear at the point G. Thence to the centre occur compressions ~->-.————___> memantine ef a, fish when .. pai.) 48) bent on one side (the dotted lines representing its outline when the bend is reversed), it is clear that part of the sub- stance forming the convex half must be in a state of tension. This state of tension implies the existence in the other half of some counter-balanecing compression. And between the two there must be a neutral axis. The way in which this conclusion is reconcilable with the fact that there is tension a i‘ Y P somewhere in the concave side of a fish, since the curve is caused by muscular contractions on the concave side, will be made clear by the rude illustration which a bow supplies. A bow may be bent by a thrust against its middle (the two ends being held back), or it may be bent by contracting a string that unites its ends; but the distributions of me- chanical forces within the wood of the bow, though not quite alike in the two cases, will be very similar. Now while the muscular action on the concave side of a fish differs from that represented by the tightened string of a bow, the difference is not such as to destroy the applicability of the illustration: - the parallel holds so far as this, that within that portion of the fish’s body which is passively bent by the contracting muscles, there must be, as in a strung bow, a part in com- pression, a part in tension, and an intermediate part which is neutral. | Recognizing the fact that even in the developed fish with its complex locomotive apparatus, this law of the transverse strain holds in a qualified way, we shall understand how much more it must hold in any form that may be supposed to initiate the vertebrate type—a form devoid of that seg- mentation by which the vertebrate type is more or less cha- racterized. We shall see that assuming a rudimentary animal still simpler than the Amphiorus, to have a feeble power of moving itself through the water by the undulations of its body, or some part of its body, there will necessarily come into play certain reactions that must affect the median portion of the undulating mass in a way unlike that in which they affect its lateral portions. And if there exists in this median portion a tissue that keeps its place with any constancy, we may expect that the differential conditions produced in it by the transverse strain, will initiate a dif- ferentiation. It is true that the distribution of the viscera in the Amphiorus, Fig. 191, and in the type from which we may suppose it te arise, is such as to interfere with this 196 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. THE SHAPES OF VERTEBRATE SKELETONS. 197 process. It is also true that the actions and reactions de- seribed would not of themselves give to the median portion a cylindrical shape, like that of the cartilaginous rod run- ning along the back of the Amphiorus. But what we have here to note in the first place is, that these habitual alternate flexions have a tendency to mark off from the outer parts an unlike inner part, which may be seized hold of, main- tained, and further modified, by natural selection, should any advantage thereby result. And we have to note in the second place, that an advantage zs likely to result. The eon- tractions cannot be effective in producing undulations, un- less the general shape of the body is maintained. External muscular fibres unopposed by an internal resistent mass, would cause collapse of the body. To meet the require- ments there must be a means of maintaining longitudinal rigidity without preventing bends from side to side; and such a means is presented by a structure initiated as described. In brief, whether we have or have not the actual cause, we have here at any rate “a true cause.” Though there are difficulties in tracing out the process in a specific way, it may at least be said that the mechanical genesis of this rudiment- ary vertebrate axis is quite conceivable. And even the difficulties may, I think, be much more fully met than would at first sight seem possible. What is to be said of the other leading trait which the sunplest vertebrate animal has in common with all higher vertebrate animals—the segmentation of its lateral mus- 198 MORPHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. cular masses? Is this, too, explicable on the mechanical hypothesis? Have we, in the perpetual transverse strains, a cause for the fact that while the rudimentary vertebrate axis 1s without any divisions, there are definite divisions of the substance forming the animal’s sides? I think we have. i pt DIFFICULTIES OF INDUCTIVE VERIFICATION. 415 anything beyond very general conceptions of the individual expenditures in different cases, cannot be reached. § 332. Still more entangled are we among qualifying con- siderations when we contrast species in their powers of multi- plication. The total cost of Genesis admits of even less definite estimation than does-the total cost of Individua- tion. I donot refer merely to the truth that the degree of fertility depends on four factors—the age of commencing reproduction, the number in each brood, the frequency of the broods, and the time during which broods continue to be repeated. There are many further obstacles in the way of comparisons. Were all multiplication carried on sexually, the problem would be less involved; but there are many kinds of asexual multiplication alternating with the sexual. This asexual multiplication is in some cases perpetual instead of occa- sional; and often has more forms than one in the same species. The result is that we have to compare what is here a periodic process with what is elsewhere a cyclical process partly continuous and partly periodic—the calculation of fer- tity in this last case being next to impossible. We have to avoid being misled by the assumption that the cost of Genesis is measured by the number of young produced, instead of being measured, as it 1s, by the weight of nutri- ment abstracted to form the young, plus the weight con- sumed in caring for them. This total weight may be very diversely apportioned. In contrast to the Cod with its million of small ova spawned without protection, we may put the Hippocampus or the Pipe-fish, with its few relatively- large ova carried about by the male in a caudal pouch, or seated in hemispherical pits in its skin; or we may put the still more remarkable genus Arius, and especially Arius Loakeii—a fish some six or seven inches long, which produces ten or a dozen eggs as large as marbles, that are carried by the male in his mouth till they are hatched. Here though 416 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. the degrees of fertility, if measured by the numbers of fertilized germs deposited, are extremely unlike, they are less unlike if measured by the numbers of young that are hatched and survive long enough to take care of themselves ; nor will the tax on the parent-Cod seem so immensely dif- ferent from that on the parent-Arius, if the masses of the ova, instead of their numbers, are compared. Again, while sometimes the parental loss is little else but the matter deducted to form eggs, &c.; at other times it takes the shape of a small direct deduction joined with a large indirect outlay. The Mason-wasp furnishes a typical instance. In journeyings hither and thither to fetch bit by bit the materials for building a cell; in putting together these materials, as well as in secreting glutinous matter to act as cement; and then, afterwards, in the labour of seeking for, and carrying, the small caterpillars with which it fills up the cell to serve its larva with food when it emerges from the ego; the Mason-wasp probably expends more substance than is contained in the egg itself. And this supplementary ex- penditure is manifestly so great, that but few eggs can be housed and provisioned. Estimates of the cost of Genesis are further complicated by variations in the ratio borne by the two sexes. Among Fishes the mass of milt approaches in size the mass of spawn; but among higher Vertebrata the substance lost by the one sex in the shape of sperm-cells is small compared with that lost by the other sex in the shape of albumen stored-up in the eggs, or blood supplied to the foetus, or milk given to the voung. ‘Then there come the differences of indirect tax on males and females. While, frequently, the fostering of the young devolves entirely on the female, occasionally, the male undertakes it wholly or in part. After building a nest, the male Stickleback guards the eggs till they are hatched; as does also the great Silurus glanis for some forty days, during which he takes no food. And then, among most birds, we have the male occupied in feeding the female during DIFFICULTIES OF INDUCTIVE VERIFICATION. 417 incubation, and the young afterwards. lLvidently all these differences affect the proportion between the total cost of re- production and the total cost of individuation. Whether the species is monogamous or polygamous, and whether there are marked differences of size or of structure between males and females, are also questions not to be over- looked. If there are many females to cne male, the total quantity of assimilated matter devoted by each generation to the production of a new generation, is greater than if there isa male to each female. Similarly, where the requirements are such that small males will suffice, the larger quantity of food left for the females, makes possible a greater surplus available for reproduction. And where, as in some of the Cirrhipedia, or such a parasite as Spheruluria Bombi, the female is a thousand or many thousand times the size of the male, the reproductive capacity is almost doubled: the effect on the rate of multiplication being something lke that which would result if any ordinary race could have all its males replaced by fertile females. Conversely, where the habits of the race render 1t needless that both sexes should have developed powers of locomotion—where, as in the Glow- worm and sundry Lepidoptera, the female is wingless while the male has wings—the cost of Individuation not being so ereat for the species as a whole, there arises a greater reserve for Genesis: the matter which would otherwise have gone to the production of wings and the using of them, may go to the production of ova. Other complications, as those which we sce in Bees and Ants, might be dwelt on; but the foregoing will amply serve the intended purpose. § 333. To ascertain by comparison of cases whether Indi- viduation and Genesis vary inversely, is thus an under- taking so beset with difficulties, that we might despair of any satisfactory results, were not the relation too marked a one to be hidden even by all these complexities. Species are 418 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. so extremely contrasted in their degrees of evolution, and so extremely contrasted in their rates of multiplication, that the law of relation between these characters becomes unmis- takable when the evidence is looked at in its ensemble. This we shall soon find on ranging in order a number of typical cases. In doing this it will be convenient to neglect, temporarily, all unlikenesses among the circumstances in which organ- isms are placed. At the outset, we will turn our attention wholly to the antagonism displayed between the integrative process which results in individual evolution and the disinte- erative process which results in multiplication of individuals ; and this we will consider first as we see 1t under the several forms of agamogenesis, and then as we see it under the seve- ral forms of gamogenesis. We will next look at the anta- gonism between propagation and that evolution which is shown by increased complexity. And then we will consider the remaining phase of the antagonism, as it exists between the degree of fertility and the degree of evolution expressed by activity. Afterwards, passing to the varying relations between organisms and their environments, we will note how relative increase in the supply of food, or relative decrease in the quantity of force expended by the individual, entails relative increase in the quantity of force devoted to multiplication, and vice versd. Certain minor qualifications, together with sundry impor- tant corollaries, may then be entered upon. CHAPTER V. ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS. § 334. When illustrating, in Part IV., the morphological somposition of plants and animals, there were set down in groups, numerous facts which we have here to look at from another point of view. Then we saw how, by union of small - simple aggregates, there are produced large compound agere- gates. Now we have to observe the reactive effect of this process on the relative numbers of the aggregates. Our present subject is the antagonism of Individuation and Genesis as seen under its simplest form, in the self-evident truth that the same quantity of matter may be divided into many small wholes or few large wholes; but that number negatives largeness and largeness negatives number. In setting down some examples, we may conveniently adopt the same arrangement as before. We will look at the facts as they are presented by vegetal aggregates of the first order, of the second order, and of the third order; and then as they are presented by animal aggregates of the same three orders. § 335. The ordinary unicellular plants are at once micro- scopic and enormously prolific. The often cited Protococcus nivalis, Which shows its immense powers of multiplication by reddening wide tracts of snow in a single night, does this by developing in its cavity a brood of young cells, which, being 420 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION, presently set free by the bursting of the parent-cell, severally grow and quickly repeat the process. The like occurs among sundry of those kindred forms of minute Alye which, by their enormous numbers, sometimes suddenly change pools to an opaque green. So, too, the Desmidiacee often multiply so ereatly as to colour the water; and among the Diatemacee the rate of genesis by self-division, ‘is something really extra- ordinary. So soon as a frustule is divided into two, each of the latter at once proceeds with the act of self-division ; so that, to use Professor Smith’s approximative calculation of the possible rapidity of multiplication, supposing the process to occupy, in any single instance, twenty-four hours, ‘ we should have, as the progeny of a single frustule, the amazing number of one thousand millions in a single month.’” In these cases the multiplication is so carried on that the parent is lost in the offspring—the old individuality disappears either in the swarms of zoospores it dissolves into, or in the two or four new individualities simultaneously produced by fission. Vegetal ageregates of the first order, have, however, a form of agamogenesis in which the parent individuality is not lost: the young cells arise from the old cells by external gemmation. ‘This process, too, repeated as if is at short intervals, results in immense fertility. The Yeast-fungus, which in a few hours thus propagates itself throughout a large mass of wort, offers a familiar example. In certain compound forms that must be classed as plants of the second order of aggregation, though very minute ones, self-division similarly increases the numbers at high rates. The Sarcina ventriculi, a parasitic plant that infests the stomach and swarms afresh as fast as previous swarms are vomited, shows us a spontaneous fission of clusters of cells. An allied mode of increase occurs in Gonium pectorale: each eell of the cluster resolving itself into a secondary cluster, and the secondary: clusters then separating. ‘‘ Supposing, which is very probable, that a young Gonium after twenty- four hours is capable of development by fission, it follows GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS. 421 that under favourable conditions a single colony may on the second day develop 16, on the third 256, on the fourth 4,096, and at the end of a week 268,435,456 other organisms like itself.” In the Volvocine this continual dissolution of a primary compound individual into secondary compound individuals, 1s carried on endogenously—the parent bursting to liberate the young ; and the numbers arising by this method, also are some- times so great as to tint large bodies of water. More fully established and organized aggregates of the second order, such as the higher Thallogens and the lower Acrogens, do not sacrifice their individualities by fission; but never- theless, by the kindred process of gemmation, are continually hindered in the increase of their individualities. The gemmee called tetraspores are cast off in great numbers by the marine Alge. Among those simple Jungermanniacee which consist of single fronds, the young ones that bud out grow for a time in connexion with their parents, send rootlets from their under sides into the soil, and presently separate themselves— a habit which augments the number of individuals in propor- tion as it checks their growths. Plants of the third order of composition, arising by arrest of this separation, exhibit a further corresponding decrease in the abundance of the aggregates formed. Acrogens of inferior types, in which the axes produced by integration of fronds are but small and feeble, are characterized by the habit of throwing off bulbils—bud-shaped axes which, falling and taking roct, add to the number of distinct individuals. This agamic multiplication, very general among the Mosses and their kindred, and not uncommon under a modified form in such higher types as the Ferns, many of which produce young ones from the surfaces of their fronds, becomes very unusual among Phenogams. The detachment of bulbils, though not unknown among them, is exceptional. And while it is true that some flowering plants, as the Strawberry, multiply by a process allied to gemmation, yet this is anything but characteristic of the class. A leading trait ot 429 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. these highest groups, to which the largest members of the vegetal kingdom belong, is that agamogenesis has so far ceased that it does not originate independent plants. Though the axes which, budding one out of another, compose a tree, are the equivalents of asexually-produced individuals; yet the asexual production of them stops short of separation. These vast integrations arise where spontaneous disintegra- tion, and the multiplication effected by it, have come to an end: Thus, not forgetting that certain Phenogams, as Begonia phyllomaniaca, revert to quite primitive modes of increase, we may hold it as beyond question that while among the most minute plants asexual multiplication is universal, and pro- duces enormous numbers in short periods, it becomes step by step more restricted in range and frequency as we advance to large and compound plants; and disappears so generally from the largest, that its occurrence is regarded as anomalous. § 336. Parallel examples showing the inverse variation of erowth and asexual genesis among animals, make clear the purely quantitative nature of this relation under its original form. Of the Ameba it is said that “ when a large variable process has been shot out far from the chief mass and become enlarged at the extremity, the expanded end retains its posi- tion, whilst the portion connecting it with the body becomes finer and finer by being withdrawn into the parent mass, until it at last breaks across, leaving a detached piece, which immediately on its own account shoots out processes, and manifests an independent existence. This phenomenon is therefore one of simple detachment, and caunot rightly be called a process of fission.” But it shows us, nevertheless, how the primordial form of multiplication is nothing more than a separation, instead of a continued union, of the grow- ing mass. Among the Profosca, as among the Protophyta, there occurs that process by which the in- dividuality of the parent is wholly lost in producing offspring GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS. 423 —the breaking up of the parental mass into a number of germs. An example is supplied by one of the lowest of the class—the Gregarina. This creature, which is nothing more than a minute spheroidal nucleated mass of protoplasm, having a structureless outer layer denser than the rest, but being without mouth or any organ, resolves itself into a multitude of still more minute masses, which when set free by bursting of the envelope, shortly become Ameba-form, and severally assuming the structure of the parent, go through the same course. Some of the Jnfusoria, as for in- stance those of the genus Ko/poda, similarly become encysted and subsequently break up into young ones. The more familiar mode of increase among these animal-agegre- gates of the first order, by fission, though it sacrifices the parent individuality by merging it in the individualities of the two produced, sacrifices it less completely than does the dissolution into a great number of germs. Occurring, how- ever, as this fission does, very frequently, and being com- pleted, in some cases that have been observed, in the course of half-an-hour, it results in immensely-rapid multiplication. If all its offspring survive, and continue dividing them- selves, a single Paramecium is said to be capable of thus originating 268 millions in the course of a month. Nor is this the greatest known rate of increase. Another animalcule, visible only under a high magnifying power, “ is calculated to generate 170 billions in four days.”’ And these enormous powers of propagation are accompanied by a minuteness so extreme, that of some species one drop of water would contain as many individuals as there are human beings on the Earth! Making allowance for exaggeration in these estimates, it is beyond question that among these smallest of animals the rate of asexual multiplication is by far the greatest; and this suffices for the purposes of the argument.* * That these estimated rates are not greater than is probable, may be inferred from such observations as that of Mr. Brightwell on the buds vf Zoothamnium. ‘At nine in the morning, one of these buds, or ova, was 424 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. Of animal aggregates belonging to the second order, that multiply asexually with rapidity, the familiar Polypes furnish conspicuous examples. By gemmation in most cases, In other cases by fission, and in some cases by both, the agamogenesis is carried on among these tribes. As shown in Vig. 148, the budding of young ones from the parent Hydra is carried on so actively, that before the oldest of them is cast off half-a-dozen or more others have reached various stages of growth; and even while still attached, the first-formed of the group have commenced budding out from their sides a second generation of young ones. In the Hydra tuba this gemmiparous multiplication is from time to time interrupted by a transverse splitting-up of the body into segments, which successively separate and swim away: the result of the two processes being, that in the course of a. season there are produced from a single germ, great numbers of young Medusce, which are the adult or sexual forms of the species. Respecting Ceelenterate animals of this degree of composition, it may be added that when we ascend to the larger kinds we find asexual genesis far less active. Though comparisons are interfered with by differences of structure and mode of life, yet the contrasts are too striking to have their meanings much obscured. If, for instance, we take a solitary Actinozoon and a solitary Hydrozoon, we see that the relatively-great bulk of the first, goes along with a relatively-slow agamogenesis. The common Sea-anemones are but occasionally observed to undergo self-division: their numbers are not-rapidly increased by this process. A higher class of secondary aggregates exemplifies the same observed fixed to the glass by a sheathed pedicle; a ciliary motion became perceptible at the top of the bulb; and at ten it had divided longitudinaily into two buds, each supported by a short stalk. The ciliary motion continued in the centre of each of these two buds, which by degrees expanded longitudi- nally, and at twelve had become four buds. By four in the afternoon, these four buds had divided in like manner and increased to nine, with an elongatea footstalk, and interior contractile muscle.” GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS. 425 general truth with a difference. In the smaller members the agamogenesis is incomplete, and in the larger it disappears. Each sub-section of the Molluscoida shows us this. The gemma- tion of the minute Polyzoa, though it does not end in the sepa- ration of the young individuals, habitually goes to the extent of producing families of partially-independent individuals ; but their near allies the Brachiopoda, which immensely exceed them in size, are solitary and not gemmiparous. So, too, is it with the Ascidioida. And then among the true Mollusca, including all the largest forms belonging to this sub-kingdom, no such thing is known as fission or gemmation. Take next the Annulosa, including under this title the Annuloida. When treating of morphological composition, reasons were given for the belief that the annulose animal is an aggregate of the third order, the segments of which, produced one from another by gemmation, originally became separate, as they still become in the cestoid Hintozoa; but that by progressive integration, or arrested disintegration, there resulted a type in which many such segments were permanently united (§§ 205-7). Part of the evidence there assigned, is evidence to be here repeated in illustration of the direct antagonism of Growth and Asexual- Genesis. We saw how, among the lower Annelids, the string of segments produced by gemmation presently divides trans- versely into two strings; and how, in some cases, this resolu- tion of the elongating string of segments into groups that are to form separate individuals, goes on so actively that as many as six groups are found in different stages of progress to ultimate independence—a fact implying a high rate of fissiparous multiplication. Then we saw that, in the superior annulose types, distinguished in the mass by including the larger species, fission does not occur. The higher Annelids flo not propagate in this way; there is no known case of new individuals being so formed among the Muriapoda; nor do the Crustaceans afford us a single instance of this primordial mode of increase. It is, indeed, true that while 426 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION, articulate animals never multiply asexually after this simplest method, and while they are characterized in the mass by the cessation of agamogenesis of every kind, there nevertheless occur in a few of their small species, those higher forms of agamogenesis known as parthenogenesis, pscudo-partheno- genesis and internal metagenesis ; and that by these some of them multiply very rapidly. Hereafter we shall find, in the interpretation of these anomalies. further support for the general doctrine. _To the above evidence has to be added that which the Vertebrata present. This may be very briefly summed up. On the one hand, this class, whether looked at in the agere- eate or in its particular species, immensely exceeds all other classes in the sizes of its individuals; and on the other hard, agamogenesis under any form is absolutely unknown in it. § 337. Such are a few leading facts serving to show how deduction is inductively verified, in so far as the anta- gonism between Growth and Asexual Genesis is con- cerned. In whatever way we explain this opposition of the integrative and disintegrative processes, the facts and their implications remain the same. Indeed we need not commit ourselves to any hypothesis respecting the physical causation: it suffices to recognize the results under their most general aspects. We cannot help admitting there are at work these two antagonist tendencies to aggregation and separation; and we cannot help admitting that the propor- tion between the aggregative and separative tendencies, must in each case determine the relation between the increase in bulk of the individual and the increase of the race in number. The antithesis is as manifest @ posteriori as it is neces- sary da priori. While the minutest organisms multiply asexually in their millions; while the small compound types next above them thus multiply in their thousands ; while larger and more compound types thus multiply in their hundreds and their tens; the largest types do not thus GROWTH AND ASEXUAL GENESIS. 427 multiply at all. Conversely, those which do not multiply asexually at all, are a billion or a million times the size of those which thus multiply with greatest rapidity; and are a thousand times, or a hundred times, or ten times the size of those which thus multiply with less and less rapidity. With- out saying that this inverse proportion is regular, which, as we shall hereafter see, it cannot be, we may unhesitatingly assert its average truth. ‘That the smallest organisms habitually reproduce asexually with immense rapidity ; that the largest organisms never reproduce at all in this manner; and that between these extremes there is a general decrease of asexual reproduction along with an increase of bulk; are proposi- tions that admit of no dispute. CHAPTER VI. ANTAGONISM BETWEEN GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS, § 338. In so far as it is a process of separation, sexual genesis is like asexual genesis; and is therefore, equaily with asexual genesis, opposed to that aggregation which results in growth. Whether a deduction is made from one parent or from two, whether it is made from any part of the body indifferently or from a specialized part, or whether it is made directly or indirectly, it remains in any case a deduction; and in proportion as it is great, or frequent, or both, it must restrain the increase of the individual. Here we have to group together the leading illustrations of this truth. We will take them in the same order as before. § 3839. The lowest vegetal forms, or rather, we may say, those forms which we cannot class as either distinctly vegetal or distinctly animal, show us a process of sexual multiplica- tion that differs much less from the asexual process than in the higher forms. The common character which distinguishes sexual from asexual genesis, is that the mass of protoplasm whence a new generation is to arise, has been produced by the union of two portions of matter that were before more widely separated. I use this general expression, because ameng the simplest Alge, this is not invariably matter supplied by different individuals: certain Diatomacee exhibit within a single cell, the formation of a sporangium by a drawing GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS. 439 together of the opposite halves of the endochrome into a ball. Mostly, however, sporangia are products of conjuga- tion. The endochromes of two cells unite to form the germ- mass; and these conjugating cells may be either entirely independent, as in many Desmidiacee and in the Palmelle ; or they may be two of the adjacent cells forming a thread, as in some Conjugate ; or they may be cells belonging to adjacent threads, as in Zygnema. But whether it is originated by a single parent-cell, or by two parent-cells, the sporangium, after remaining quiescent until there recur the fit conditions for growth, breaks up into a multitude of spores, each of which produces an individual that multiplies asexually ; and the fact here to be noted is, that as the entire contents of the parent- cells unite to form the sporangium, their individualities are lost in the germs of a new generation. In these minute simple types, sexual propagation just as completely sacrifices the life of the parent or parents, as does that form of asexual propa- gation in which the endochrome resolves itself directly into zoospores. And in the one case as in the other, this sacrifice is the concomitant of a prodigious fertility. Slightly in advance of this, but still showing us an almost equal loss of parental life in the lives of offspring, is the process seen in such unicellular Alge@ as Hydrogastrum, and in minute Fungi of the same degree of composition. These exhibit a relatively- enormous development of the spore-preducing part, and an almost entire absorption of the parental substance into it. As evidence of the resulting powers of multiplication, we have but to remember that the spread of mould over stale food, the rapid destruction of crops by mildew, and other kindred occurrences, are made possible by the incalculably numerous spores thus generated and universally dispersed. Plants a degree higher in composition, supply a parallel series of illustrations. We have among the larger Fungi, in which the reproductive apparatus is relatively so enormous as to constitute the ostensible plant, a similar subordination of the individual to the race, and a similarly-immense fertility. 430 LAWS OF MULTIFLICATION. Thus, as quoted by Dr. Carpenter, Fries says—“in a single individual of Reticularia maxima, I have counted (calculated ?) 10,000,000 sporules.” It needs but to note the clouds of particles, so minute as to look like smoke, which ripe puff- balls give off when they are burst, and then to remember that each particle is a potential fungus, to be impressed with the almost inconceivable powers of propagation which these plants possess. The Lichens, too, furnish examples. Though they are nothing like so prolific as the Fungi (the difference yielding, as we shall hereafter see, further support to the general argument), yet there is a great production of germs, and a proportionate sacrifice of the parental indi- viduality. Considerable areas of the frond here and there develop into apothecia and spermagonia, which resolve them- selves into sperm-cells and germ-cells. Some con- trasts presented by the higher A/ge may also be named as exemplifying the inverse proportion between the size of the individual and the extent of the generative structures. While in the smaller kinds relatively large portions of the fronds are transformed into reproductive elements, in the larger kinds these portions are relatively small: instance the Macrocystis pyrifera, a gigantic sea-weed, which sometimes attains a length of 1,500 feet, of which Dr. Carpenter remarks— “This development of the nutritive surface takes place at the expense of the fructifying apparatus, which is here quite subordinate.” : When we turn to vegetal aggregates of the third order of composition, facts having the same meaning are conspicuous. On the average these higher plants are far larger than plants of a lower degree of composition; and on the average their rates of sexual reproduction are far less. Similarly if, among Acrogens, Endogens, and Exogens, we compare the smaller types with the larger, we find them proportionately more prolific. This is not manifest if we simply calculate the number of seeds ripened by an individual in a single season; but it becomes manifest if we take into account the GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS. 43 further factor which here complicates the result—the age at which sexual genesis commences. The smaller Phenogams are mostly either annuals, or perennials that die down annually ; and seeding as they do annually before their deaths, or the deaths of their reproductive parts, it results that in the course of a year, each gives origin to a multitude of potential plants, of which every one may the next year, if preserved, give origin to an equal multitude. Supposing but a hundred offspring to be produced the first year, ten thousand may be produced in the second year, a million in the third, a hundred millions in the fourth. Meanwhile, what has been the possible multiplication of a large Phe- nogam? While its small congener has been seeding and dying, and leaving multitudinous progeny to seed and die, it has simply been growing; and may so continue to grow for ten or a dozen years without bearing fruit. Before a Cocoa- nut tree has ripened its first cluster of nuts, the descendants of a wheat plant, supposing them all to survive and multiply, will have become numerous enough to occupy the whole surface of the Earth. So that though, when it begins to bear, a tree may annually shed as many seeds as a herb, yet in consequence of this delay in bearing, its fertility is incom- parably less; and its relatively-small fertility becomes still further reduced where, as in Lodoicea Sechellarum, the seeds take two years from the date of fertilization to the date of germination. § 340. Some observers state that in certain Protozoa there occurs a process of conjugation akin to that which the Protophyta exhibit—a coalescence of the substance of two individuals to form a germ-mass. This has been alleged more especially of Actinophrys. The statement 1s question- able; but if proved true, then of the minute forms that appear to be more animal than vegetal in their characters, some have a mode of sexual multiplication by which the parents are sacrificed bodily in the production of a new Vou. II. 19 432 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. generation. A modified mode, apparently not fatal to the parents, has been observed in certain of the more developed Infusoria. Our knowledge of these microscopic types is, however, so rudimentary that evidence derived from them must be taken with a qualification. Among small animal aggregates of the second order, the first to be considered are of course the Celenterata. A Hydra occasionally devotes a large part of its substance to sexual genesis. In the walls of its body groups of ova, or sperma- tozoa, or both, take their rise; and develop into masses ereatly distorting the creature’s form, and leaving it greatly diminished when they escape. Here, however, gamogenesis is obviously supplementary to agamogenesis—the immensely rapid multiplication by budding continues as long as food is abundant and warmth sufficient, and is replaced by gamo- genesis only at the close of the season. A. better example of the relation between small size and active gamo- genesis is supplied by the Planaria, which does not multiply asexually with so much rapidity. The generative system is here enormous. Ova are developed all through the body, occupying everywhere the interspaces of the assimilative system; so that the animal may be said to consist of a part that absorbs nutriment and a part that transforms that nutri- ment into sperm-cells and germ-cells. ven saying nothing of the probably-early maturity of these animals, and there- fore frequent repetition of sexual multiplication, i6 is clear that their fertility must be very great. The Annulosa, including among them the inferior kindred types, have habits and conditions of life so various that only the broadest contrasts can be instanced in support of the pro- position before us. Of the microscopic forms belonging to this sub-kingdom, the Rotifera may be named as having, along with small bulk, a great rate of sexual increase. Hyda- tina senta ‘is capable of a four-fold propagation every twenty- four or thirty-hours, bringing forth in this time four ova, which grow from the embryo to maturity, and exclude their GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS. 433 fertile ova in the same period. The same individual, pro- ducing in ten days forty eggs, developed with the rapidity above cited, this rate, raised to the tenth power, gives one million of individuals from one parent, on the eleventh day four millions, and on the twelfth day sixteen millions, and so oils Ascending from this extreme, the differences of organization and activity greatly complicate the inverse variation of fertility and bulk. Bearing in mind, how- ever, that the rate of multiplication depends much less on the number of each brood than on the quickness with which maturity is reached and a new generation commenced, it will be obvious that though Annelids produce great numbers of ova, yet as they do this at comparatively long intervals, their rates of increase fall immensely below that just instanced in the Rotifers. And when at the other extreme we come to the large articulate animals, such as the Crab and the Lobster, the further diminution of fertility is seen in the still longer delay that occurs before each new generation begins to re- produce. Perhaps the best examples are supplied by vertebrate animals, and especially those that are most familiar to us. Comparisons between Fishes are unsatisfactory, because of our ignorance of their histories. In some cases Fishes equal in bulk produce widely different numbers of eggs; as the Cod which spawns a million at once, and the Salmon by which nothing like so great a number is spawned. But then the eggs are very unlike in size; and if the ovaria of the two fishes be compared, the difference between their masses is comparatively moderate. There are, indeed, contrasts which seem at variance with the alleged relation; as that between the Cod and the Stickleback, which, though so much smaller, produces fewer ova. The Stickleback’s ova, however, are relatively large; and their total bulk bears as great a ratio to the bulk of the Stickleback as does the bulk of the Cod’s ova to that of the Cod. Moreover, if, as is not improbable, the reproductive age is arrived at earlier by the Stickleback than 434 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION, by the Cod, the fertility of the species may be greater not- withstanding the smaller number produced by each indi: vidual. Evidence that admits of being tolerably well disentangled is furnished by Birds. They differ but little in their grades of organization; and the habits of life throughout extensive groups of them are so similar, that comparisons may be fairly made. It is true that, as hereafter to be shown, the differences of expenditure which differences of bulk entail, have doubtless much to do with the differences of fertility. But we may set down under the present head some of those cases in which the activity, being relatively slight, does not greatly interfere with the relation we are considering; and may note that among such birds having similarly slight activities, the small produce more eggs than the large, and eggs that bear in their total mass a greater ratio to the mass of the parent. Consider, for example, tne gallinaceous birds; which are like one another and unlike birds of most other groups in flying comparatively. little. Taking first the wild members of this order, which rarely breed more than once in a season, we find that the Pheasant has from 6 to 10 eggs, the Black-cock from 5 to 10, the Grouse 8 to 12, the Partridge 10 to 15, the Quail still more, some- times reaching 20. Here the only exception to the relation between decreasing bulk and increasing number of eggs, occurs in the cases of the Pheasant and the Black-cock ; and it is to be remembered, in explanation, that the Pheasant inhabits a warmer region and is better fed—often artificially. If we pass to domesticated genera of the same order, we meet with parallel differences. From the numbers of eggs laid, little can be inferred; for under the favourable con- ditions artificially maintained, the laying is carried on inde- finitely. But though in the sizes of their broods the Turkey and the Fowl do not greatly differ, the Fowl begins breeding at a much earlier age than the Turkey, and produces broods more frequently: a considerably higher rate of multiplication being the result. Now these contrasts GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS. 43& among domestic creatures that are similarly conditioned, and closely-allied by constitution, may be held to show, more clearly than most other contrasts, the inverse varia- tion between bulk and sexual genesis; since here the cost of activity is diminished to a comparatively small amount. ‘There is little expenditure in flight—sometimes almost none; and the expenditure in walking about is not great: there is more of standing than of actual movement. It is true that young Turkeys commence their existences as larger masses than chickens; but it is tolerably manifest that the total weight of the eggs produced by a Turkey during each season, bears a less ratio to the Turkey’s weight, than the total weight of the eggs which a Hen produces during each season, bears to the Hen’s weight ; and this is the fairest way of making the comparison. The comparison so made shows a greater difference than appears likely to be due to the different costs of locomotion ; con- sidering the inertness of the creatures. Remembering that the assimilating surface increases only as the squares of the dimensions, while the mass of the fabric to be built up by the absorbed nutriment increases as the cubes of the dimensions, it will be seen that the expense of growth becomes relatively greater with each increment of size; and that hence, of two similar creatures commencing life with different sizes, the larger one in reaching its superior adult bulk, will do this at a more than proportionate expense; and so will either be delayed in commencing its reproduction, or will have a diminished reserve for reproduction, or both. Other orders of Birds, active in their habits, show more markedly the con- nexion between augmenting mass and declining fertility. But in them the increasing cost of locomotion becomes an important, and probably the most important, factor. The evidence they furnish will therefore come better under another head. Contrasts among Mammals, lke those which Birds present, have their meanings obscured by inequalities of the expenditure for motion, The smuller 436 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. fertility which habitually accompanies greater bulk, must in all cases be partly ascribed to this. Still, it may be well if we briefly note, for as much as they are worth, the broader contrasts. While a large Mammal bears but a single young one at a time, is several years before it commences doing this, and then repeats the reproduction at long intervals; we find, as we descend to the smaller mem- bers of the class, a very early commencement of breeding, an increasing number at a birth, reaching in small Rodents to 10 or even more, and a much more frequent recurrence of broods: the combined result being a relatively prodigicus fertility. If a specific comparison be desired between Mammals that are similar in constitution, in food, in con- ditions of life, and all other things but size, the Deer-tribe supplies it. While the large Red-deer has but one at a birth, the small Roe-deer has two at a birth. § 341. The antagonism between growth and sexual genesis, visible in these general contrasts, may also be traced in the history of each plant and animal. So familiar is the fact that sexual genesis does not occur early in life, and in all organisms which expend much begins only when the limit of size is nearly reached, that we do not sufficiently note its significance. It is a general physiological truth, however, that while the building-up of the individual is going on rapidly, the reproductive organs remain imperfectly developed and inactive; and that the commencement of reproduction at once indicates a declining rate of growth, and becomes a cause of arresting growth. As was shown in § 78, the ex- ceptions to this rule are found where the limit of growth is indefinite ; either because the organism expends little or nothing in action, er expends in action so moderate an amount that the supply of nutriment is never equilibrated by its expenditure. We will pass cver the inferior plants, and limiting our- selves to Phzenogams, will not dwell on the less conspicu- GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS, 437 ous evidence which the smaller types present. A few cases such as gardens supply will serve. All know that a Pear- tree continues to increase in size for years before it begins to bear ; and that, producing but few pears at first, it is long before it fruits abundantly. A young Mulberry, branch- ing out luxuriantly season after season, but covered with nothing but leaves, at length blossoms sparingly, and sets some small and imperfect berries, which it drops while they are green; and it makes these futile attempts time after time before it succeeds in ripening any seeds. But these multi-axial plants, or aggregates of individuals some of which continue to grow while others become arrested and transformed into seed-bearers, show us the relation less de- finitely than certain plants that are substantially, if not literally, uni-axial. Of these the Cocoa-nut may be in- stanced. For some years it goes on shooting up without making any sign of becoming fertile. About the sixth year it flowers; but the flowers wither without result. In the seventh year it flowers and produces a few nuts; but these prove abortive and drop. In the eighth year it ripens a moderate number of nuts; and afterwards increases the number until, in the tenth year, it comes into full bearing. Meanwhile, from the time of its first flowering its growth begins to diminish, and goes on diminishing till the tenth year, when it ceases. Here we see the antagonism between erowth and sexual genesis under both its aspects—see a struggle between self-evolution and race-evolution, in which the first for a time overcomes the last, and the last ultimately overcomes the first. The continued aggrandisement of the parent-individual makes abortive for two seasons the tendency to produce new individuals; and the tendency to produce new individuals, becoming more decided, stops any further agerandisement of the parent-individual. Parallel illustrations occur in the animal kingdom. The eggs laid by a pullet are relatively small and few. Similarly, it is alleged that, as a general rule, “a bitch has fewer 438 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. puppies at first, than afterwards.” According to Burdach, as quoted by Dr. Duncan, “the elk, the bear, &c., have at first only a single young one, then they come to have most frequently two, and at last again only one. The young hamster produces only from three to six young ones, whilst that of a more advanced age produces from eight to sixteen. The same is true of the pig.” It is remarked by Buffon that when a sow of less than a year old has young, the number of the litter is small, and its members are feeble and even im- perfect. Here we have evidence that in animals growth checks sexual genesis. And then, conversely, we have evidence that sexual genesis checks growth. It is well known to breeders that if a filly is allowed to bear a foal, she is thereby prevented from reaching her proper size. And a like loss of perfection as an individual, is suffered by a cow that breeds too early. § 342. Notwithstanding the way in which the inverse variation of growth and sexual genesis is complicated with other relations, its existence is thus, I think, sufficiently mani- fest. Individually, many of the foregoing instances are open to criticism, and have to be taken with qualifications; but when looked at in the mass, their meaning is beyond doubt. Comparisons between the largest with the smallest types, whether vegetal or animal, yield results that are unmis- takeable. On the one hand, remembering the fact. that during its centuries of life an Oak does not produce as many acorns as a Fungus does spores in a single night, we see that the Fungus has a fertility exceeding that of the Oak in a de- gree literally beyond our powers of calculation or imagina- tion. When, on the other hand, taking a microscopic protophyte which has millions of descendants in a few days, we ask how many such would be required to build up the forest tree that is years before it drops a seed, we are met by a parallel difficulty in conceiving the number, if not in setting it down. Similarly, if we turn from the minute and GROWTH AND SEXUAL GENESIS. 439 prodigiously-fertile Rotifer, to the Elephant, which approaches thirty years before it bears a solitary young one, we find the connexions between small size and great fertility and between great size and small fertility, too intensely marked to be much disguised by the perturbing relations that have been indicated. Finally, as this induction, reached by a survey of organisms in general, is verified by observations on the rela- tion between decreasing growth and commencing reproduc- tion in individual organisms, we may, I think, consider the alleged antagonism as proved.* * When, after having held for some years the general doctrine elaborated in these chapters, I agreed, early in 1852, to prepare an outline of it for the West- minster Review, I consulted, among other works, the just-issued third edition of Dr. Carpenter’s Principles of Physiology, Gencral and Comparative—secking in it for facts illustrating the different degrees of fertility of different organisms. I met with a passage, quoted above in § 339, which seemed tacitly to assert that individual aggrandizement is at variance with the propagation of the race ; but nowhere found a distinct enunciation of this truth. I did not then read the Chapter entitled ‘‘General View of the Functions,’”’ which held out no promise of such evidence as I was looking for. But on since referring to this chapter, I discovered in it the definite statement that—‘‘ there is a certain degree of antagonism between the Nutritive and Reproductive functions, the one being executed at the expense of. the other. The reproductive apparatus derives the materials of its operations through the nutritive system, and is entirely dependent upon it for the continuance of its function. If, there- fore, it be in a state of excessive activity, it will necessarily draw off from the individual fabric some portion of the aliment destined for its maintenance. It may be universally observed that, when the nutritive functions are particularly active in supporting the tndividual, the reproductive system is in a corresponding degree undeveloped,—and vice versa.” —Princivles of Phy- siology, General and Comparative, Third Edition, 1851, p. 592, CHAPTER VII. THE ANTAGONISM BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS, ASEXUAL AND SEXUAL. § 343. By Development, as here to be dealt with apart from Growth, is meant increase of structure as distinguished from increase of mass. As was pointed out in § 50, this is the biological definition of the word. In the following sections, then, we have to note how complexity of organiza- tion is hindered by reproductive activity, and conversely. This relation partially coincides with that which we have just contemplated; for, as was shown in § 44, degree of growth is to a considerable extent dependent on degree of organization. But while the antagonism to be illustrated in this chapter, is much entangled with that illustrated in the last chapter, it may be so far separated as to be identified as an additional antagonism. Besides the direct opposition between that continual dis- integration which rapid genesis implies, and the fulfilment of that pre-requisite to extensive organization—the formation of an extensive aggregate, there 1s an indirect opposition which we may recognize under several aspects. The change from homogeneity to heterogeneity takes time ; and time taken in transforming a relatively-structureless mass into a de veloped individual, delays the period of reproduction. Usually this time is merged in that taken for growth; but certain cases of metamorphosis show us the one separate from the DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS. 44] ether. An insect, passing from its lowly-organized cater- pillar-stage into that of chrysalis, is afterwards a week, a fort- night, or a longer period in completing its structure: the re- commencement of genesis being by so much postponed, and the rate of multiplication therefore diminished. Further, that re-arrangement of substance which development implies, en- tails expenditure. The chrysalis loses weight in the course of its transformation; and that its loss is not loss of water only, may be inferred from the fact that it respires, and that respiration indicates consumption. Clearly the matter con- sumed, is, other things equal, a deduction from the surplus that may go to reproduction. Yet again, the more widely and completely an organic mass becomes diffe- rentiated, the smaller the portion of it which retains the re- latively-undifierentiated state that admits of being moulded into new individuals, or the germs of them. Protoplasm which has become specialized tissue, cannot be again generalized, and afterwards transformed into something else ; and hence the progress of structure in an organism, by diminishing the unstructured part, diminishes the amount available for making offspring. It is true that higher structure, like greater growth, may insure to a species advantages that eventually further its mul- tiplication—may give it access to larger supplies of food, or enable it to obtain food more economically; and we shall hereafter see how the inverse variation we are considering is thus qualified. But here we are concerned only with the necessary and direct effects; not with those that are con- tingent and remote. ‘These necessary and direct effects we will now look at as exemplified. § 844. Speakine generally, the simpler plants propagate both sexually and asexually; and, speaking comparatively, the complex plants propagate only sexually: their asexual propagation is usually incomplete—produces a united agere- gate of individuals instead of numerous distinct individuals. 442 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. The Protophytes that perpetually subdivide, the merely- cellular Alge that shed their tetraspores, the Acrogens that spontaneously separate their fronds and drop their gemme, show us an extra mode of multiplication which, among flower- ing plants, is exceptional. This extra mode of multiplication among these simpler plants, is made easy by their low de- velopment. ‘Tetraspores arise only where the frond consists of untransformed cells; gemmz bud out and drop off only where the tissue is comparatively homogeneous. Should it be said that this is but another aspect of tho antagonism already set forth, since these undeveloped forms are also the smaller forms; the reply is that though in part true, this is not wholly true. Various marine A/g@ which propagate asexually, are larger than some Pheenogams which do not thus propagate. The objection that difference of medium vitiates this comparison, is met by the fact that it is the same among land-plants themselves. Sundry of the lowly-organized Liverworts that are habitually gemmiparous, exceed in size many flowering plants. And the Ferns show us agamic multiplication occurring in plants which, while they are inferior in complexity of structure, are superior in bulk to a great proportion of annual Endogens and Exogens. § 345. In the ability of the lowly-organized, or almost unorganized, sarcode of a Sponge, to transform itself into multitudes of gemmules, we have an instance of this same direct relation in the animal kingdom. Moreover, the instance yields very distinct proof of an antagonism between development and genesis, independent of the antagonism between growth and genesis; for the Sponge which thus multiplies itself asexually, as well as sexually, is far larger than hosts of more complex animals which do not multiply asexually. : Once again may be cited the creature so often brought in evidence, the Hydra, us showing us how rapidity of agamie propagation is associated with inferiority of structure. Its DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS. 443 power to produce young ones from nearly all parts of ite body, is due to the comparative homogeneity of its body. In kindred but more-organized types, the gemmiparity is greatly restricted, or disappears. Among the free-swimming fydrazoa, multiplication by budding, when it occurs at all, occurs only at special places. That increase of structure apart from increase of size, 1s here a cause of declining agamo- genesis, we may see in the contrast between the simple and the compound Hydroida; which last, along with more- differentiated tissues, show us a gemmation which does not go on all over the body of each polype, and much of which does not end in separation. It is, however, among the Annulosa that progressing organization is most conspicuously operative in diminishing agamogenesis. The segments or “somites” that compose an animal belonging to this class, are primordially alike; and, as before argued (§§ 205-7), are probably the homologues of what were originally independent individuals. The progress from the lower to the higher types of the class, is at once a progress towards types in which the strings of segments cease to undergo subdivision, and towards types in which the seg- ments, no longer alike in their structures and functions, have become physiologically integrated or mutually dependent. Already this group of cases has been named as illustrating the antagonism between growth and asexual genesis; but it is proper also to name it here; since, on the one hand, the greater size due to the ceasing of fission, is made possible only by the specialization of parts and the development of a co- ordinating apparatus to combine their actions, and since, on the other hand, specialization and co-ordination can advance only in proportion as fission ceases. § 346. The inverse variation of development and sexual genesis is by no means easy to follow. One or two facts indi- cative of it may, however, be named. Pheenogams that have buat little supporting tissue may 444 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. fairly be classed as structurally inferior to those provided with stems formed of woody fibres; for these imply additional dif- ferentiations, and constitute wider departures from the primi- tive type of vegetal tissue. That the concomitant of this higher organization is a slower gamogenesis, scarcely needs pointing out. While the herbaceous annual is blossoming and ripening seed, the young tree is transforming its ori- ginally-succulent axis into dense fibrous substance ; and year by year the young tree expends in doing the like, nutriment which successive generations of the annual expend in fruit. Here the inverse relation is between sexual reproduction and complexity, and not between sexual reproduction and bulk seeing that besides seeding, the annual often grows to a size greater than that reached by the young infertile tree in several years. Proof of the antagonism between complexity and gamo- genesis in animals, is still more difficult to disentangle. Per- haps the evidence most to the point is furnished by the contrast between Man and certain other Mammals approaching to him in mass. To compare him with the domestic Sheep, which, though not very unlike in size, is relatively prolific, is objec- jectionable because of the relative inactivity of Sheep; and this, too, may be alleged as a reason why the Ox, though far more bulky, is also far more fertile, than Man. Further, against a comparison with the Horse, which, while both larger and more prolific, is tolerably active, it may be urged that, in his case, and the cases of herbivorous creatures generally, the small exertion required to procure food, joined with the great ratio borne by the assimilative organs to the organs they have to build up and repair, vitiates the result. We may, however, fairly draw a parallel between Man anda large carnivore. The Lion, superior in size, and perhaps equal in activity, has a digestive system not proportionately greater; and yet has a higher rate of multiplication than Man. Here the only de- cided want of parity, besides that of crganization, is that of food. Possibly a carnivore gains an advantage in having a DEVELOPMENT AND GENESIS. 445 surplus nutriment consisting almost wholly of those nitro- genous materials from which the bodies of young ones are mainly formed. But, allowing for all other differences, it appears not improbable that the smallness of human fertility compared with the fertility of large feline animals, is due to the greater complexity of the human organization—more especially the organization of the nervous system. Taking degree of nervous organization as the chief correlative of mental capacity ; and remembering the physiological cost of that discipline whereby high mental capacity is reached; we may suspect that nervous organization is very expensive : the inference being that bringing it up to the level it reaches in Man, whose digestive system, by no means large, has at the same time to supply materials for general growth and daily waste, invoives a great retardation of maturity and sexual genesis. CHAPTER VIII. ANTAGONISM BETWEEN EXPENDITURE AND GENESIS. § 347. Under this head we have to set down no evidence derived from the vegetal kingdom. Plants are not expenders of force in such degrees as to affect the general relations with which we are dealing. They have not to maintain a heat above that of their environment; nor have they to generate motion; and hence consumption for these two purposes does not diminish the stock of material that serves on the one hand for growth and on the other hand for propagation. It will be well, too, if we pass over the lower animals: especially those aquatic ones which, being nearly of the same temperature as the water, and nearly of the same specific gravity, lose but little in evolving motion, sensible and insensible. A further reason for excluding from con- sideration these inferior types, is, that we do not know enough of their rates of genesis to permit of our making, with any satisfaction, those involved comparisons here to be entered upon. The facts on which we must mainly depend are those to be gathered from terrestrial animals; and chiefly from those higher classes of them which are at the same time great expenders and have rates of multiplication about which our knowledge is tolerably definite. We will restrict ourselves, then, to the evidence which Birds and Mammals supply § 348. Satisfactory proof that loss of substance in the EXPENDITURE AND GENESIS. 449 maintenance of heat diminishes the rapidity of propagation, is difficult to obtain. It is, indeed, obvious that the warm- blooded Vertebrata are less prolific than the cold-blooded ; but then they are at the same time more vivacious. Similarly, between Mammals and Birds (which are the warmer-biooded of the two) there is, other things equal, a parallel, though much smaller, difference; but here, too, the unlikenesses of muscular action complicate the evidence. Again, the annual return of generative activity has an average correspondence with the annual return of a warmer season, which, did it stand alone, might be taken as evidence that a diminished cost of heat-maintenance leads to such a surplus as makes reproduction possible. But then, this periodic rise of tem- perature is habitually accompanied by an increase in the quantity of food—a factor of equal or greater importance. We must be content, therefore, with such few special facts as admit of being disentangled. Certain of these we are introduced to by the general rela- tion last named—the habitual recurrence of genesis with the recurrence of spring. Jor in some cases a domesticated crea- ture has its supplies of food almost equalized; and hence the effect of varying nutrition may be in great part eliminated from the comparison. The common Fowl yields an illustra- tion. It is fed through the cold months, but nevertheless, in mid-winter, it either wholly leaves off laying or lays very sparingly. And then we have the further evidence that if it lays sparingly, it does so only on condition that the heat, as well as the food, is artificially maintained. Hens lay in cold weather only when they are kept warm. To which fact may be added the kindred one that ‘“‘ when pigeons receive arti- ficial heat, they not only continue to hatch longer in autumn, but will recommence in spring sooner than they would other- wise do.” An analogous piece of evidence is that, in winter, inadequately-sheltered Cows either cease to give milk or give it in diminished quantity. For though giving milk is not the same thing as bearing a young one, yet, as milk 448 LAWS OF MULTIPLICATION. is part of the material from which a young one jg built up; it is part of the outlay for reproductive purposes, and diminu- tion of it is a loss of reproductive power. Indeed the case aptly illustrates, under another aspect, the struggle between self-preservation and race-preservation. Maintenance of the cow's life depends on maintenance of its heat; and main- tenance of its heat may entail such reduction in the supply of mili as to cause the death of the calf. Iividence derived from the habits of the same or allied genera in different climates, may naturally be looked for; but it is difficult to get, and it can scarcely be expected that the remaining conditions of existence will be so far similar as to allow of a fair comparison being made. The only illustrative facts I have met with which seem noteworthy, are some named by Mr. Gould in his work on Zhe Birds of Australia. He pays :—‘‘ I must not omit to mention, too, the extraordinary fecundity which prevails in Australia, many of its smaller birds breeding three or four times in a season; but laying fewer eggs in the early spring when insect life is less developed, and a greater number later in the season, when the supply of insect food has become more abundant. I have also some reason to believe that the young of many species breed during the first season, for among others, I frequently found one section of the Honey-eaters (the Jelthrepti) sitting upon eggs while still clothed in the brown dress of immaturity ; and we know that such is the case with the introduced Gadlinacce (or poultry) three or four generations of which have been often produced in the course of a year.” Though here Mr. Gould refers only to variation in the quantity of food as a cause of variation in the rate of multiplication, may we not suspect that the warmth is a part-cause of the high rate which he describes as general ? § 349. Of the inverse variation between activity and genesis, we get clear proof. Let us begin with that which Birds furnish. EXPENDITURE AND GENESIS. 449 First we have the average contrast, already hinted, between the fertility of Birds and the fertility of Mammals. Compar- ing the large with the large and the small with the small, we see that creatures which continually go through the muscular exertion of sustaining themselves in the air and propelling themselves rapidly through it, are less prolific than creatures of equal weights which go though the smaller exertion of moving about over solid surfaces. Predatory Birds have fewer young ones than predatory Mammals of approximately the same sizes. If we compare Rooks with Rats, or Finches with Mice, we find like differences. And these differences are greater than at first appears. For whereas among Mammals a mother is able, unaided, to bear and suckle and rear half- way to maturity, a brood that probably weighs more in pro- portion than does the brood of a Bird; a Bird, or at least a Bird that flies much, is unable to do this. Both parents have to help; and this indicates that the margin for reproduction in each adult individual is smaller. Among Birds themselves occur contrasts which may be next considered. In the Raptorial class, various species of which, differing in their sizes, are similarly active in their habits, we see that the small are more prolific than the large. The Golden Eagle has usually 2 eggs: sometimes only 1. As we descend to the Kites and Falcons, the number is 2 or or 3, and 3 or 4. And when we come to the Sparrow-Hawk, & to 5 is the specified number. Similarly among the Owls: while the Great Hagle-Owl has 2 or 3 eggs, the comparatively small Common Owl has 4 or 5.